CHAPTER 26: Rourke

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My heart was breaking when I looked and noticed Ellerie had her eyes squeezed tightly closed while covering her ears.

I have put her life in danger and became so selfish in the first place, to have ever let her become a part of this.

This is all my fault. I needed to end this once and for all. So I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath then let it out before I got her attention.

"Listen to me. I need you to run to that door right there." I shout at her over the loud gunfire while pointing at a door in the hallway behind us.

"What?!" She shouts back.

Then before I was able to reply, we barely duck down in time as a bullet goes through the couch and misses Ellerie by just a hair.

That was it. This ended now. So I grabbed her hand and we hurried towards the room I was pointing at and Phantom followed close behind then slammed and locked the door behind us.

I tried to quickly walk Ellerie towards the closet door where behind the fake wall was a secret door that lead underground and out onto the road, close by the town. This way she could be safe.

So I open the door then nod my head towards down the stairs.

"No, I'm not leaving you." She begins to cry.

"You have to go. Don't worry, everything will be okay." I try and reassure her but she cries more and throws her arms around me tightly and right before I have a chance to try and say 'goodbye' or anything, the door gets busted down and I quickly give her a kiss as Phantom starts shooting at the few of Antonio's men who just busted in.

Next Ellerie makes a swift move that none of us had expected and seemed to have grabbed the gun in my hand and quickly began shooting at the couple of guys coming into the room.

I was surprised that she did that and even more surprised that I hadn't noticed since it happened so fast.

However, there was no time to question or think of anything else and Phantom chuckles before tossing me another gun he had and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I am not leaving without you!" She states more assertively.

I didn't question. We all three just went out of the room armed and continued firing with the smoke residue from all the gunfiring going off, filling up the air.

I knew in the back of my mind we were out- numbered and all I could think about at this time right now was keeping Ellerie safe.

Somehow we soon had gotten separated and it was real hard to find her through the thick clouds of residue still and then out of nowhere I felt something hard and heavy hit me in the back of my head and next thing I saw was black.


I slowly and painfully tried opening my eyes  and immediately began coughing. Then lifted my head and when my sight began to unblurr, I noticed Antonio, Lankin and a few others of Antonio's men who were still alive, were all standing around us, with them in the front.

I started looking to the left and right of me and noticed that both Phantom and Ellerie were both tied up to a chair (same as me) with their hands behind their backs and feet tied to the legs of the chair.

"I have to give you credit Rourke. You have balls." Antonio begins. "Trying to help your cousin and his agency try and take me down. Did you honestly think I would never find out?!" He asked with a smirk.

"Let them go Antonio. This all is between you and me." I tell him.

"Hmm. Yeah, you see, that's where you're wrong. You see, because of the stunt you tried pulling off and for involving your little girlfriend here, it's not just about you."

I could tell by the way he said that and the look in his eye he had something up his sleeve he was about to reveal to all of us.

He next looks over at Lankin and nods his head over at Ellerie and I start seeing Lankin walk over towards Ellerie and forcefully pulls her hair back and points a gun to the side of her head.

I heard her begin to scream and for the first time felt that that was really it. This was what I had feared the most in what could happen.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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