CHAPTER 15: Ellerie

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Rourke has been gone now for a few hours and it was getting close to the usual time I begin cooking dinner, so I decided to try and look to see what I was going to make, when I hear the front door open as soon as I walk into the kitchen. 

Him and Phantom walked in laughing and I was glad to see they squared things away. And it looked like things went well also. 

"Hey beautiful." Rourke greets me as Phantom walks off to leave us alone while Rourke snakes his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and begins kissing me mostly passionately but adds some lust in there as well. 

"Someone's in a good mood." I smile as we pull our heads apart a bit. 

"Yeah well, things are going to be getting a lot better soon." He grins. 

"Yeah?" I ask. 

He just smiles in reply at me before giving me another kiss. 

"Why don't you go get dressed into something nice and I'm going to take you out finally on the date that we were supposed to go on already." He suggests. 

"Okay." I smiled in reply. 

"Good." He smiles back and gives me a kiss before smacking my butt to have me go upstairs first and get ready. 


He took me to a real nice place. Not to be cliche sounding, but I really thought he was going to take me to an Italian food restaurant but instead, it was a place where I personally preferred, which was a fancy $50 + per plate and that wasn't including wine which they had a range from $50-$500 per bottle. 

I love steak and he told me this was one of his favorite places to come and was the best place in the states to get a great steak at. 

"This is so good." I tell him before taking my second bite of my rib-eye steak. It is so juicy and cooked to perfection that I can't stop eating it. 

"I'm glad." He chuckles. 

I continued eating some more bites along with the mashed potatoes I ordered. 

"This is the best steak I have ever had." I tell him. 

"I told you." He winks and smiles at me. 

Dinner was great and we shared a dessert together that by the time we finished with our meal and the delicious wine that paired great with our dinner, we decided to walk around a little bit. 

The weather was nice, it wasn't too cold and the stars out tonight were spread throughout the entire sky as it is in the movies. It was a perfect night. 

We walk over towards a nearby park and sit on a bench that overlooked the beautiful scenery the opened park provided. 

"Rourke, what did you mean earlier when you told me things were going to be better?" I finally ask him the question I have been holding in for the right time to ask. 

"Well, while on our way back today, Phantom and I talked and he reminded me about a few things. In particularly, why I need to do this deal with Lankin." He begins to explain. 

"And why is that?" I ask. 

"Because of my cousin and the promise I made to him before he died. He worked for the FBI and made a deal with me and my guys that if we had helped take down Lankin's people and a few other clients he inherited after taking over his father's business, then we could all start anew and have different identities." 

"Wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense though. I mean, with you saying taking over his father's business, I don't understand that because the business he took over is an Advertising type business and you don't......" I stop myself and realize that of course he doesn't do just the Advertising. 

"I can't believe I was too blind to see any of this." I say under my breath thinking he didn't hear, but he did. 

"It doesn't matter anymore. He is nothing like his father was. He knows nothing about the kind of business his father really did." Rourke tells me. 

Wait, did he just refer to his father as in he died?

"Wait a minute, did you just say who his father 'was'? He's dead?" I asked. 

"Yeah. He has been for a while now." He replies. 

"But I met his father a couple of months ago and Lankin has been always...." I stop myself again as I start to feel more confused than ever and not sure what to think. 

"Elle, I think we know better now that he was bullshitting you throughout your entire so called 'relationship'. His father died years back and his Uncle has been bailing him out and trying to help him out with the business. It's not his father though. Even if they told you that." He tells me. 

Oh my god. Now that pisses me off hearing about that. That son-of-a-bitch-no-good-rotten-small-dick-brainless-asshole! 

"Baby?" I hear Rourke snap my attention back to the moment. 

"I swear, the more I hear you tell me about him I just.....I get pissed off even more at him and a little at myself for ever believing anything he ever said to me." I shake my head in disbelief. 

"It wasn't your fault. And no matter what, I will make sure he never comes near you again." He has me look at him. 

I think for a moment before I take in a deep breath and let it out before replying. 

"No. In fact, I want to be at every meeting of yours with him. And, along the way, I think I may have some information, or I should say facts, that could possibly help you." I smile in satisfaction on the revenge train I just got on to. It's time I start having my own fun. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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