CHAPTER 25: Ellerie

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It's been almost a week in a half since everything has happened and everyday I tried to preoccupy my mind with something that helped me not think about what happened and the possible things that were yet to still come.

Not to mention, I needed to try and figure ways to stop the night terrors I had for the first few nights we were here.

Thankfully I have had Rourke next to me to hold me and remind me I was okay.

The night after watching what we did on the Flash Drive, I had realized that we never finished seeing what else was on there and when we tried to open up the final zipped folder, it was blank.

Even though we weren't exactly sure what was on there, I had a funny feeling that something was originally on there though but there was nothing we could do about it and we couldn't talk to anybody else in the FBI since the only ones who knew of the deal, were all in on this.

Then the other day him and Phantom had made several phone calls to people I had later found out were people who they used to know back before he was willing to help his cousin out.

They were supposedly coming out to go over ideas in what to do, in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, as we waited, for them to come down, I began seeing more and more of the side of Rourke in how I assume was what he was like back when he was doing the business he's trying real hard to get out of.

I also began thinking more and more about our unborn child and how I think it would be best if I were to not be in this fight. I mean, I know I said I would be right there beside him but I think I need to think about our unborn child and to protect him/her as much as I can.

When I finally got enough courage to bring it up, he immediately felt relieved because he too seemed to have been thinking for a while now the same thing.

My cravings too were intensifying more everyday on top of everything else and Rourke along with Phantom have been both great at making sure they got me the things I wanted. Which to be honest was more like snack-tyoe foods. So it was easy to have them in the house. Other than those though, I mostly ate healthy.

Tonight however, we figured since we haven't been able to relax so much and felt we needed to, Rourke had planned to grill us some steak and I offered to make some mashed potatoes and make a salad as well. Then after dinner, watch a movie.

We all were starting to relax and once we sat down, we cheer's with each other to a better life and clink our glasses together then began to eat.

"Oh my god this is so good." I comment after my first bite. "This is the best steak I have ever eaten."

They both chuckle a little bit.

"Well it's good to know that, because I will be doing a lot of the cooking anyways." He winks at me before taking another bite from his steak.

Suddenly, after just a few moments into eating, I stop and freeze for a moment as does Rourke and Phantom while we look at each other as I begin to notice a red dot in middle of both Phantom's and Rourke's foreheads.

There was not a moment to think about anything else as I quickly felt myself being pulled hard down out of my chair and under the window as does Phantom and Rourke who both start taking out the guns they always carry with them in the back of their pants as bullets fly through the windows from gunfire outside.

It's so loud and glass is shattering everywhere as I try to cover my head and face. Rourke tries to cover me as we next start to lowly and quickly get to a much safer spot.

Phantom quickly runs over towards the couch and flips it over to use as something we can hide behind to protect us.

I have never been more freaked out then I do right now. None of us, or at least I wasn't expecting this. So much for the 'bravery' I thought I had.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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