CHAPTER 17: Ellerie

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I couldn't believe him! How dare he suggests anything like that.......Well, although, I have to admit that I did enjoy the attention a little bit but that wasn't the MAIN reason I dressed the way I did-I meant what I said as to why. 

I was furious that I started walking off and began stomping up the stairs with the guys and everyone there who had been talking with each other, stopped and watched us begin to fight. 

"Elle?! Don't walk away from me!" He shouts at me while following close by behind me up the stairs. 

"Fuck you Rourke! Leave me alone right now!" I fire back at him while I continue hearing towards our bedroom and slam the door behind me hard. 

Of course though, that doesn't stop him as I hear the door hurry and swing open, and slamming hard right behind him as I turn to face him with my arms crossed over my chest. 

"Ellerie!" He snaps at me. 

"Look! You need to get something clear right here and now. If I EVER in the future feel the need to dress or do my hair and makeup a certain way, do us both a favor and don't for one minute think I am doing it for anyone else but myself and to make myself feel good. I am so fucking tired of not being proud of my looks and embracing them and now that I am, again, don't think it's because of you or anybody else."

"Another thing, I could give two shits about what Lankin and his men think or them looking at me. Now, was I flattered by getting the attention I did? Yes. But none of that mattered because hey, I look great and feel great. So don't worry because I would never entertain them or their fantasies and ideas!" I finish ranting. 

I feel good that I just stood up for myself and am not sure if what I said made any sense, since I didn't pay attention so much as to what I said, but I think I at least gave him an idea of my point.

It took a moment of us sharing a moment of silence and me not looking at him as we stood a few feet from each other until he broke the silence and said something.

"I'm sorry." He tells me with sincerity in his voice. "You're right. It's none of my business and I should control myself when others look at you. I don't mean to sound controlling and I see that that's what I was acting like just then. And I'm sorry." He says with much empathy in his eyes. 

We share another moment of silence from each other and I close my eyes to take in a breath then let it out before soon feeling his hands touch each side of my face and we look into each other's eyes. 

"I love you." He tells me. 

Hearing him tell me that is like music to my ears and makes me surprised a bit that he would think that already although, I too feel the same way but I just didn't expect him to say it this quickly. 

"I love you too." I replied with a smile and wrapping both my arms around him and as he gets closer towards my lips, I hear him mutter something. 

"So, you wore this type of outfit for me huh?" He asks. 

"Well...." I started to say but he immediately stopped me by placing his lips onto mine and we started making out. 

He begins pushing me up against the wall and I can't help but love the dominance he has claimed over me and my body in so little time, is breathtaking. It makes my legs want to go weak and makes me so wet between my thighs to the point I feel I am about to melt in his touch. I start to push him off of me then push him back onto the bed where I climb on top of him and take control. 

However, I can't stay that way for too long because of his firm grip on both of my wrists as they remain above my head right after flipping me over and immediately laying on top of me, parting my legs with his knees, proves to me he is stronger to where I should have seen that coming.

I feel as though he has me under some kind of a spell. No man has ever had this effect on me before. I have always dreamed of having someone take control in the bedroom and show me that they want me just as bad as I do them and that's exactly how he always makes me feel. 

I want to be his. I don't want to ever share him. I want him to claim ALL of me. I want him to make me scream his name and tell me I'm his.

His lips are so distracting as he places kisses down my neck, to my chest, to the valley between my breasts while moving his free hand up between my legs and pushes my panties aside with his fingers before inserting one then two of them deep inside of me.

Next he starts thrusting them in and out of me, making me moan, and causes my legs to begin shaking some more - I have to feel them inside of me....NOW!

"Pplease....." I begin to beg. " I want to feel you inside of me." 

He chuckles a little before we start removing our clothes and we start making love to each other hard and fast-just the way I felt was perfect for the way we both were feeling at the moment. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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