Chapter 5

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Vancouver, BC
November 10, 2019

The next thing I knew, I was in my own bed safe and sound the next morning.

Forgetting how I got here, the first person I texted was Owen asking if he drove me home and he said yes.

I just sighed and rolled out of bed to eat and get ready for another Saturday.

I texted my mom to say hi and ate my cereal, while checking my socials.

My texts were blowing up over a photo Owen posted of him and I.

Madi, Charlie, Savannah, Jeremy, you name it they were all going ballistic over the photo of Owen and I.

It was only a photo of Owen and I from last night, no big deal.

I thought the photo was cute and just told my friends it meant nothing and to just move on.

After my somewhat eventful breakfast I headed to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

Savannah, Jadah, Madi and I were planning on having a girls day downtown and then dinner at Madi's house, followed by a sleepover.

I was so exited for the day and quickly got ready, throwing on black yoga pants, a green sweatshirt, and my low top air forces.

Her outfit ^^

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Her outfit ^^

I drove to the place Savannah texted us and parked my mom in the nearest garage.

I grabbed my wallet and my phone from inside the car before locking the it and looking up walking directions to the restaurant.

Madi POV:

"Hey girl, we missed you" I told Brea.

"But we're on set together all the time?" She questioned.

"Yes, but you're always hanging out with Owen" I teased her rolling my eyes.

"Oh please, he's my best friend" she told us.

"What about us?" Jadah and Savannah questioned and I just nodded in agreement.

"My guy best friend, sorry" she told us laughing nervously.

"Ya, what's going on with you guys anyways? You guys seen awfully close and we say that photo of you too" Savannah teased slightly making Brea laugh for real now.
"Guys, we're just friends... I promise now let's go eat" she said quickly.

The girls and I just shook our head and walked in to the restaurant.

Brea POV:

After a long day of shopping, the girls and I were exhausted and it was around 4:45 PM now so we decided to head back to Madi's apartment.

Our stuff for the sleepover was already there and we headed up to Madi's room to get everything set up before we headed downstairs to eat dinner.

"You know," Madi began "Owen's apartment is down the street... we could ding dong ditch him" she finished as the rest of the girls burst out laughing.

"That would be hilarious" Jadah and Savannah agreed.

"Guys, no that's just mean he's gonna know it's us" I told them.

"Oh please, just live a little he won't care he'll find it funny. Trust us" Madi said as the girls nodded.

I continued to eat my pasta and shake my head. "Guys" I told them trying to convince them otherwise.

"Please" they all begged me.

"Fine. Fine. But if Owen befriends me it's your fault" I told them seriously.

"Brea, trust us we know what we're doing. I think we should do it around 10 PM is that okay with everyone?" Madi asked, and the rest of us just nodded in agreement.

"Great everyone head upstairs and get your pj's on" she told us and we all followed her upstairs.

"I still think this is a bad idea" I tell them, slipping a hoodie over my shirt.

"No way, bedsides even if Owen does see us at least you'll look good" Madi says, making me laugh.

"She's right" the rest of the girls agree.

"Very funny, thank you though" I tell them.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now