Chapter 25

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Vancouver, BC
December 4th-5th, 2019

Once Kenny said we were done for the day, I tried to find the girls.

"Hi, I've been looking for you."

"Hey" Madi says.

"Where is everyone?"

"They're still with Kenny I think. They should be coming out any minute" she tells me and I nod.

We catch up for a couple minutes and then I see the group come out.

"Oh hey Brea" Charlie says to me and smiles, "how was last night."

I see Owen look at me, his face flushed, and everyone stops what they're doing and looks at me.

I put my hands up in the air to surrender, but everyone just looks confused.

"Hold on, what happened last night?" Madi asks and I feel my face get hot.

"Nothing, happened" I mumble, fiddling with my rings on my finger.

"Yes, you and Owen-" Charlie says and I cover his mouth with my hand to shut him up.

"We did nothing, he just invited me over to spend the night. Thank you though, Charlie" I tell the group and they just give suspicious looks.

"Come on, you guys" I roll my eyes and they just shake their heads.

"You two are obsessed with each other" Madi says and Owen and I look over at each other.

"Hmm no, I hate her. She's too dramatic" he says smiling and I shove him.

"Am not" I laugh and he looks down at me.

"You guys want to hear something really funny though? This morning she called me hot-" Owen says and my eyes widen.

"That's enough" I cut him off flush and everyone laughs.

"Very bold, I'm impressed" Jadah says and I laugh.

"I'm done with this conversation, I'm going home" I tell the group and begin to walk away.

"We're not done with this topic by the way!" Madi yells and I freeze.

"Madi I was rooting for you, girl!" I yell back and get into my car.

I drive home while listening to Christmas music and once I get home and hop in the shower.

I change in to my flannel PJ pants and the hoodie I stole from Owen, which still smelled like him, and ordered dinner.

After dinner, I sat in bed and decided to invite Savannah over since she lived close.

"I'll be over in 10!" She said on the other side of the phone and hung up.

"Hi!" I greet and she hugs me.

"Okay, so tell me about you and Owen because there's obviously something going on" she says sitting on the edge of my bed.

"We're best friends, Sav."

"I know, but he's such a good guy and I can tell how much he loves you and how much you love him" she says giving me a innocent smile.

"I love him like a friend. Can we please drop the subject?" I say looking down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" she says and I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it."

"What movie do you wanna watch?" She asks scrolling through the options.

"Mean girls?" I ask and she nods.

"A classic."


At around 11:30, she finally leaves and I'm officially exhausted.

I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth, and then walk back to my room.

I turn off my light and get under the covers.

It takes me a while to fall asleep, my mind racing with thoughts of today and yesterday.

I think back to the conversation earlier with Savannah.

I remember the conversation him and I had about liking each other.

I just don't want to loose him as a friend, because we work so well together.

I eventually get to sleep after a solid hour of overthinking and wake up in the morning feeling even more tired.

Since it's snowing and freezing outside, I decide to dress as warm as possible.

Once I'm dressed, I rush out the door making sure I'm not late today like I was yesterday.

I get to set early, with 10 minutes to spare, and spot my favorite blonde holding two cups of something hot.

"I got you some hot chocolate, since I know it's your favorite and it's freezing out here" Owen says, handing me one of them.

Yeah, I definitely like him.

"You didn't have to" I look up at him.

"I wanted to" he smiles, grabbing the side of my face with his hand.

"Jeez, now you're making me blush. Thank you though, seriously" I smile and he laughs.

"Anything for you" he says.

"Hey Owen! Where's mine?" Charlie yells walking over to us.

"None for you, only for her" he points at me.

"Aw, Owen's got a crush" he says and Owen elbows him.

"Very funny."

"You two act like children" I tell them.

"Aw come on" Charlie whines at my comment.

"Yeah, we're not that annoying" Owen says rolling his eyes.


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