Chapter 4

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Vancouver, BC
November 8th-9th, 2019

This week felt so long to me.

After the talk with Charlie and I, Owen and I had been kinda on and off and I felt bad.

Him and I knew something that he didn't know we knew.

It was almost like we were keeping something from him, except he already knew it.

I'm still not exactly sure what to think about Owen and I's relationship because I just feel like we'd be better as friends no matter how much we like each other.

I continued to day dream, as I walked towards the rest of the cast to start filming early Thursday morning.

I bumped in to some one on the way and immediately knew it was Owen by his voice and the hoodie he was wearing.

"Sorry" he mumbled before realizing it was me, "Oh.. it's you um."

"Hey, Owen I was actually meaning to talk to you can we have a word" I spoke.

"Ya sure, okay" he said softly.

"Look, I understand if you got a little jealous when Charlie talked to me. But there's nothing going on I promise " I said softly so only he could here.

"I know but I just can't help but wondering what he told or-" he started to say.

"Owen, don't worry about him okay? You're my best friend and I tell you everything" I cut him off.

"Okay" he responds with a smile, "Sorry I got so mad."

"It's okay, I understand" I assure him.

He hugs me for a while before he head back into Studio B for All eyes on me.

"You guys good?" Madi asked when we entered the studio.

"We're good" I smile.

"All good" Owen says while putting a arm around my shoulder.

The rest of the week speeds by and before I know it it's Friday afternoon with only 1 hour hour left of filming till the weekend.

I could not be more relieved and I was hoping Owen would ask me to hang out today but we'll see.

Owen POV:

I walked over to Brea's trailer and knocked softly. "Can I come in?" I said politely.

"Owen?" the voice on the other wall responded.

"Yeah it's me, do you mind if I come in?" I said.

"No not at all, door's open" she responded.

I walked in with a little smile on my face and sat down next to her on the couch.

"So I was wondering, if you didn't have any plans if you wanted to come over and we could watch movies and get food or something?" I ask.

"No, that sounds fun I'll be there"she says, "What time were you thinking?" she asks.

"Uh is 6 okay? I need to clean my room it's a mess" I  tell her with a smile.

She starts to laugh to before she starts to try and talk again.

"Sounds good Owen, I'll see you there".

"Bye" I wave before heading out.

Brea POV:

"I have nothing to wear Mom, can you help?" I say, talking on the phone with my mom.

"Oh sweetie, you're just going over for a movie so what about leggings and a hoodie?" she suggests.

"Sure that'll do. Thanks" I respond back to her before we talk for 5 more minutes and then we say bye.

5:45 PM the clock read.

Shit I'm supposed to be there in 15 minutes so I need to leave now.

I slip on my UGG slippers and head out to the garage to get my car and drive to his house.

Owen POV:

I hear the door bell ring just as I finished cleaning. Perfect timing I thought to myself as I opened the door.

"Hey, nice slippers" I tease.

"Very" she responded back.

"Alright pizza's are its way do you wanna get a movie started?" I asked her.

"Sure" she said while scrolling through to movie options and laying down on my bed.

"Hey, how about Harry Potter?" she asked.

"Okay fine but no spoilers please I haven't watched it yet" I told her.

The food came and we started the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , her favorite movie.

Brea POV:

About half way through the movie, Charlie knocks on the door and walks in.

"Sorry, looks like I interrupted" he says, before walking out and closing the door.

I layed my head on his chest and he starts to run his hands through my hair.

"That was awkward" I say, turning my head to face him.

"Trust me, Charlie doesn't give a shit. He just comes in, leaves, and forgets it ever happened" he says looking down at me.

"Yeah, sounds like Charlie" I say.

I shift my position, his hands still in my hair.

After the movie ended, Owen finally spoke up.

"Brea, it's getting late. You should probably get home" he told me while looking down at my head in his chest as we made eye contact.

"Just five more minutes" I mumbled in to his chest. He was wearing a cream colored hoodie, a different knitted beanie and black sweatpants.

"Okay, five more minutes and then I'm driving you home. You need your sleep and I can't keep driving you home so late" he says, giving in.

"I know" I said softly with a yawn.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now