Chapter 14

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Maui, HI
November 25, 2019

I wake up at around 9 am Hawaii time, 11 am Vancouver time.

I get out of bed and open my blinds, the sun light shining through.

I walk out in to the hallway, and see Owen and Charlie do the same.

"Hey" I say to them, rubbing my eye lids with the back of my hands.

"Good morning" Owen mumbles, his voice sounding raspy and tired.

Charlie just waves and walks out towards the balcony.

"Are we the only ones up? I didn't think it was that early" I whisper to Owen.

He shrugs, "I guess so".

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him, walking out to join Charlie on the balcony.

"Good, I was really tired after yesterday" he replies, following me out the balcony.

"Me too" I say quietly, looking out at the ocean from the balcony.

"Can we go swimming?" I ask them eagerly, a smile on my face.

"You're cute, but it's too early" Owen says from beside me, stretching his arms.

I shake my head, before grabbing his hand.

"Come on" I beg, pulling him inside.

"Too early" he mumbles.

"Charlie, knock some sense in to him" I say to Charlie, his head turning to face me.

"Yeah Owen come on, we're on vacation!" Charlie says too loudly, probably waking up Jeremy and Kenny.

"Ugh, you two are a pain in the ass. Give me 5 minutes to get change" he gives in, walking to his room.

"Yes!" I high five Charlie, a big smile on his face.

I walk to my room to get changed in to another one of my bathing suits and a t-shirt and shorts.

"I can't believe I agreed to this" I hear Owen mumble as he comes out of his room in just his swim trunks.

"Well, believe it!" I tell him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

"Charlie, can you get the towels?" I ask him.

"Yeah I got it, I'll meet you guys down there" he says, grabbing the towels out of a cabinet.

I practically have to shove Owen out of the door as we make our way down to the beach.

The water is a little colder than yesterday since it's so early in the morning, but we have the whole beach to ourselves.

I take of my shorts and shirt and jump in, my head hitting the water first.

"Come on!" I yell to him from the water.

It was calm with almost no waves.

As come up from another wave, I see him beside me, his hair completely wet.

Our faces are inches apart now, his eyes glancing down to my lips every once in a while.

"Hey guys! How is it?" I hear Charlie yell from the shore, breaking up the little moment between Owen and I.

"Good, it's pretty warm" I tell him before going under another wave.

"Did I break something up?" Charlie whispers in my ear beside me, making sure Owen can't hear him.

"Not really" I whisper back.

"Are you sure?" He says one more time.

"Yes" I say one more time, before floating on my back.

"What's with the whispering?" Owen asks, making Charlie and I snap our heads to look at him.

"Nothing" I say quickly, shaking me head.

"Charlie did you tell Kenny and Jeremy that we're down here before you left..?" I ask him, attempting to change the subject.

"Yeah, don't worry about it" he tells me.

We stay in for 20 more minutes before we finally start to get hungry.

"I'm starving, can we go get breakfast?" I ask them, grabbing a towel to dry myself off.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea" Owen says, grabbing the last towel that Charlie brought.

He rubs the towel on his hair to dry to off, then shakes his head quickly to get the last little drops of water off.

I didn't realize I was staring until I saw Charlie's hand in my face.

"Now you're just making it obvious" He whispers in my ear making me slap him in the face.

"Ow!" He yells.

"Shut up" I mumble with embarrassment.

"What's that about?" Owen asks, pointing between the two of us.

"Nothing, nothing" I spit out.

"Lila was staring at y-" Charlie starts, making me slap my hand over his mouth.

"Staring at me?" Owen asks, raising a eye brow.

"No no no" I say quickly, feeling my face get hot.

"Sounds like it" he says, smirking slightly.

"Charlie, I fucking hate you!" I scream, making Charlie laugh.

"Oh yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah!" I tell him, flipping him off.

"Someone's hungry" he mumbles, try not the laugh.

We eat a late breakfast in Lahaina, and walk around for a couple of hours to do some shopping.

"Jeremy, you should've been there, Charlie and Owen were completely harassing me" I rant to him as we walk around town.

"Is this true?" He asks Charlie and Owen who are walking behind us.

"Harassing her? No way, not us. We call it teasing" Charlie replies back.

I roll my eyes before we walk in to a surf shop to look around.

We decided to rent surf boards for a couple of hours since there was a good spot right around where we were.

I managed to stand up a bunch of times, but I fell down a lot too.

"I'm tired" I say, grabbing my board and follow
Owen out of the water.

"Me too, let's go" he says to me and the rest of the group.

We get home at around 4pm, and head down to the pool until dinner at 7pm.

Our first full day in Maui was a success.

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