Chapter 18

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Maui, HI
November 28, 2019

I roll over to my side to check the time.

8:30 am

It was earlier than I thought, so I roll back over on my stomach and try to fall asleep again.

"Rise and shine!" I hear Owen yell from down the hall, his footsteps coming closer to my door.

"It's too early, I was trying to fall back asleep" I shout back at him, through my closed door.

He opens my door anyways, closing it behind him.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" He says loudly.

"Jesus Christ, Owen" I mumble to him in to my pillow.

"What?" He asks, cluelessly.

"Sleep? I'm trying to get sleep?" I tell him, moving my hair out of my face.

"Sleep is for losers, get up" he says, pushing me gently to try to wake me up.

"Guess I'm a loser then" I tell him smiling, and looking up at him.

He shakes his head, smiling slightly.

"Get up, please. I'm so bored" he repeats, pushing me a little harder this time but still being gentle.

"No" I mumble back, pulling the comforter higher up towards my face.

"Guess I'll do it myself then" he says, ripping my comforter and sheets off of me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, as he scoops me up in to the air.

"Not this again, please. I'm so tired, I need my sleep" I groan, my feet and head dangling.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he exits my room.

"Here" he says, walking out to the balcony and setting me down.

"I can't believe I just let you get away with that" I mumble under my breath.

"Believe it" he says and smiles.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, leaning my head back on on the chair.

"I'm not sure, probably just more swimming" he replies, looking out at the ocean.

"Ah, you two are already up. Together?" Charlie says from behind us, raising a eyebrow.

"He dragged me out of bed" I reply, a annoyed expression on my face.

"Indeed I did" Owen responds, both of us looking back at Charlie.

"Hmm ya, sounds like Owen" Charlie says, smiling.

"Next time, I'll do it to him" I say, mostly to Charlie just to get a rise out of Owen.

"I'm not so sure about that" Owen counters, not even turning to look at me.

"Hey wait, can I make breakfast today?" Owen asks, a exited smile on his face.

"Knock yourself out, Owen. Just don't burn the house down" Charlie says, and I nod in agreement.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now