Chapter 22

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Vancouver, BC
December 2nd, 2019

"Sacha.. hi" I mumble shyly.

"Brea, hey" he says, giving me a friendly smile.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Ah nothing much, just grabbing lunch. How about you?" He asks, making eye contact.

"Same here, I had lunch with Savannah and Madi and now I'm just heading back to my apartment" I smile.

"Sounds fun. Oh hey,sick nails by the way" he says, gently grabbing my hand to get a closer look.

"Thanks, Owen actually did them" I tell him and he drops my hand to make eye contact again.

"Seriously? Damn the man's got skill, he's gotta teach me" he says, his smile big.

"I know right, I didn't even know he could paint" I say and he laughs quietly.

"Yeah, they look really good. Anyways, I have to go I'll see you Monday?" He asks, giving me one more smile.

"See you" I wave and he waves back before turning the corner.

Once I get home, I decide to call my parents since we haven't talked in a while.

"Hey mom" I say in to the phone.

"Hi sweetie, how was Hawaii?" She asks from the other line.

"It was good, lots of fun. How's dad and Zack?" I ask.

"Dad's doing good, just trying to stay busy. Zack's also doing well, it's his senior year of high school so he's a little stressed but doing okay" she says and I smile.

"I'm glad mom".

"How are you? Filming's going well?" She asks and I nod.

"It's going great. Savannah, Madi and I went out to lunch today and Owen and I hung out last night" I smile.

She returns the smile before talking again.

"That's great, honey. You're still coming to visit for the holidays right?" She asks.

"Of course mom, I wouldn't miss it" I give her a another smile.

We talk for another hour before I decide to call it a day and hang out.

I missed my mom, dad, and brother so much.

I couldn't wait for the holidays.

I decide to clean my apartment, and make sure it's nice and tidy.

After cleaning for 2 hours, I flop down on the couch, practically passed out from cleaning when my phone buzzes.

Movie at my place?


I text back and set down my phone to go shower.

I wrap the towel around my body, walk out of the bathroom, and hear my phone ring.

It's Owen, shit.

I'm not dressed.

I hesitantly pick up the phone but set it on my bed so he can't see me.

"You're still coming over right?" He asks and I see him in the frame messing with his hair.

"Yes, but you just called me in the middle of my shower so" I tell him.

"Okay okay, I'll see you later" he says and hangs up.

I throw comfy clothes on, grab my keys and walk out the door.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now