Chapter 19

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Maui, HI
November 29, 2019

It's around 8:45 by the time I get up.

No one else, including Owen, is awake so I decide to get a little pay back.

I quietly tip toe to his room that was a couple doors down from mine.

I open the door slowly, and see that he's fast asleep with his back facing towards me.

"Wake up!" I whisper loudly and jump on his bed.

"No" he mumbles, grabbing me towards him.

"What are you-" I say, as he pulls me next to him so we're lying side to side.

"Go to sleep" he say groggily, turning to face me.

"I came here to wake you up, not to fall back asleep" I whisper, watching him closely.

"Well, you're here now" he says softly, his eyes glancing down to my lips.

"Fuck, I really want to kiss you" he mumbles, making my face get hot.

"Remember what I told you" I say back.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Besides, I already got a kiss yesterday, huh?" He says back, smirking.

"That was just to convince you" I tell him as innocent as possible.

"Consider me convinced" he says before turning so his back is facing me again.

"Alright, if I keep lying down any longer I'm gonna actually fall asleep so I'll see you in a bit" I tell him, standing up.

"Lame, we're on vacation for a reason: to sleep in" he mumbles in to his pillow.

"Bye Owen" I say, closing the door behind me and seeing Charlie standing right there.

"Charlie- what are you doing here?" I ask nervously.

"Better question is what are you doing in Owen's room this morning?" He asks suspiciously.

"I was trying to get him back for waking me up yesterday" I tell him, leaning against Owen's door.

"Mhm yeah. How did that go?" he asks, raising a eye brow.

"Not good, he wouldn't budge" I complain, moving away from his door.

"Let me help with that" he says, opening the door.

Charlie walks right in and rips Owen's covers, making him groan.

"Dude! Now I'm freezing" he says, and I realize he was only wearing shorts and nothing else.

"Payback!" I yell, jumping on the bed and pushing him over.

I was now practically lying on top of him.

"Smooth" he says laughing, looking down at me.

"Ah sorry" I say nervously, moving off of him.

"Nah you're good" he says, sitting up.

"Are you done now?" Charlie says, looking between the two of us.

I ignore him comment and look over and Owen again.

"If I wasn't already awake, I definitely am now" he says, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

"Good. Charlie, I'd say our work here is done" I sat, standing up.

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