Chapter 17

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Maui, HI
End of 11/27 & early 11/28,2019

"Are you done in there?" I ask Owen from outside the bathroom door.

He usually takes short showers, but today's was especially long.

"Yeah,one second" he says from the other side of the door.

"Hopefully with clothes on this time" I add, sitting down on my bed.

"No promises" he shouts from inside.

I scroll on Instagram for 10 more minutes, until he finally comes out:with barely any clothes of course.

"Are you serious? I told you: clothes this time!" I tells him, referring to the towel around his waist.

"Doesn't mean I have to listen" he says, smirking at me.

"Besides, don't I look good?" He says, looking at me and then looking at himself.

"Nah, don't flatter yourself" I say sarcastically, but feel my face heat up at the sight of him.

"I know you're lying" he says, grabbing the rest of the stuff from the bathroom and then leaving the room.

He was right: I was definitely lying, and he definitely looked good but there was no way I would give in and tell him that.

I quickly shower for dinner, and get changed in to another one of the mini dresses I brought.

"Damn" I hear Owen mutter under his breath, as I walk out of my room, all dressed up.

"Was that a compliment?" I ask, my mouth curling in to a playful smirk.

"Oh um, yes sure" he quickly says, not knowing I heard him say that.

"You're too much, Owen" I tell him as we walk out the door.

"And that's why you love me" he says, unlocking the car and driving in to the drivers seat.

"Sure" I mutter going in to the passenger seat.

"Where are going?" Owen asks from beside me.

"Some sushi place in Lahaina, I'm not sure" I tell him, showing him my phone.

He takes the phone, our hands brushing against each other in the process.

"Thanks" he mumbles, bringing the phone closer to his face.

"Should be right here. I'll find parking, you guys get us a table" he says to Charlie and I as we get out of the car.

"I saw that little moment between you two. You totally like him" Charlie says to me as we grab a table.

"Of course I like him, I told this already didn't I?" I ask him, sitting down.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hear you say it" he says and smiles.

"Oh Charlie" I say, shaking my head with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you guys" he says sweetly.

"It's not like we're dating" I tell him, sipping my water.

"Not yet" he corrects.

"I appreciate the support, Char. You know I do" I tell him making him smile, again.

"Anytime" he replies, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Alright, you know I love you, but this is a little too sentimental for me" I say, making him laugh.

"Sorry guys, there was like no parking" I hear Owen say, sitting down next to me.

We eat our dinner in peace, and decided to walk around downtown for little since it was still early.

"This is nice" Owen says next to me, my head on his shoulder.

"Mhm" I mumble, wrapping my free arm around his side.

"Should we head back?" Charlie says from behind us.

"Yeah, I'm tired" I say, yawning.

"Let me drive?" I ask them, eagerly.

"Yes" Owen says, giving in.

"Yes!" I yell, plugging in my phone to play music and start driving.

As soon as we get home, I change in to my pj shorts and big t shirt and go to the kitchen to get water.

Since it was so humid in Hawaii, I had to make sure I didn't get dehydrated.

"Hey" Owen says, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes?" I ask, going to the freezer to get ice cubes.

"Movie?" He asks.

"I'm exhausted Owen.." I tell him, looking up to meet his eyes.

"Just one?" He asks, leaning against the counter.

"Only 1" I tell him, walking to the living room.

He picks some random movie I'd never heard of but it turned out to be really funny, so I didn't mind.

At around 12 am, I decide to say good night and head to my room.

Of course, 20 minutes later I feel a body lie down next to me.

"Owen?" I mumble, half asleep.

"Yeah?" He whispers.

"Why are you in my bed? You have your own" I tell him, turning over.

"Because I can" he whispers back pulling me closer to him.

"I don't have the energy to argue with you right now, so you're off the hook" I whisper back, slowly falling asleep.

I hear him laugh softly and start to braid my hair.

"Wake up, lazy hea-" Charlie yells, opening my door and running in.

"-Oh! What's going on here?" Charlie asks and I see him smirk.

"Oh save it Charlie, we both know we didn't do shit" Owen answers, and Charlie rolls his eyes.

"Finally, I agree with Owen" I say, pulling the covers over my head.

"Sorry Owen, as much as I liked our little moment, I'm gonna need you and Charlie to get out of my room so I can get ready" I tell him, shoving Owen off of my bed.

"Good while it lasted" he mumbles before waving bye, and shutting the door behind him.

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