Chapter 11

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Vancouver, BC
November 14, 2019

I woke up at around 7 am the next morning to make sure I had enough time to get ready and look presentable.

I got up, un plugged my phone and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

As soon as I was about to eat my waffles I got a FaceTime call from Owen and decided to answer because why not.

"Hi" he said to me.

"Hey what's up I was trying to say breakfast and you're kinda ruining the mood now" I said sarcastically.

"Oh I don't mind" he says. "Okay, so why did you call?" I ask him. Of course he was laying in bed, that lazy ass always sleeping.

"I don't know, love the PJ's though" he added with a smile.

"Ya at least I'm wearing a shirt" I told him.

"Please Lila you love me shirtless you can't take your eyes of me" he said while laughing softly.

"Shut it Owen" I say back, while obviously blushing.

"See? You're blushing, how cute" he said smiling.

I loved his smile so much.

"Are you done now??" I retorted. He nodded."Good I have to get ready to look presentable. Good bye" I told him but as I was about to hang up he spoke again.

"See you soon" he said with a cute smile.

I got ready and headed out, I noticed a text from him pop up on my screen.

Hey, do you need a ride?? It's no pain at all

The text read.
I'd love that thank u owen see u soon!

I texted back smiling at my phone.

I run out the door, careful to grab my stuff on the way out.

Owen POV:

I drive over to pick her up while listening to music (1D of course). I sit there for a couple minutes until she finally comes outside looking as tired as ever but still so pretty.

"Hey how'd you sleep" I asked as she climbs in to the front seat.

"Not good, I was up till 1 am just thinking. I couldn't sleep after our 5 hour midday nap" she told me.

"Hm what were you thinking about? Anything in particular?" I asked while wiggling my eye brows.

"Ya my boyfriend" she responds. I cant even believe what I'm hearing right now.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Charlie" she adds while trying to not to laugh.

"Charlie? My charlie?" I ask.

"Owen relax I'm not dating Charlie, he's not my type anyways" she says with a cute smiling playing on her lips.

"Who you is your type then?" I say whispering closely in her ear.

"You" she says whispering back in my ear.

I just laughed it off looking in her eyes and shaking my head as we pulled on to set right on time.

"After you" I say holding my hand out for her to take.

"Why thank you" she says as we walk inside set.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now