Chapter 24

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Vancouver, BC
December 3rd-4th, 2019

I made my way to Owen's car, where he was already waiting, and opened the passenger door.

"I'm exhausted, I can't believe I let you trick me in to doing this."

"It's one night, you'll be fine" he says and I put my seat belt on.

I shrugged and looked out the window, my head resting on my hand as he starts to drive.

He noticed how sleepy I really was, and tapped my shoulder.

"I know your tired but don't fall asleep on me now, we're almost there."

I nod and attempt to sit up straight, even though I know my body doesn't want to.

He pulls in to the garage and undoes his seat belt to help me out of the car.

He grabbed my stuff and shut the door behind me.

The clock read 10:15.

The walk up to his apartment was quiet, we were both too tired to speak.

"Charlie's probably here already, just so you know" he says quietly.

"That's okay" I say trying to give a weak smile.

He unlocks the door, and I spot Charlie quickly.

"Hey guys. You staying the night, Brea?" He asks from the couch.

"Yeah, Owen invited me. Couldn't refuse" I tell him and turn around to look back at Owen, who smiles.

"Of course. Anyways, I'll be here. You two have fun though" Charlie says giving a friendly smile.

I return the smile and walk towards Owen's room.

"Seem to know your way around pretty well" he says from beside me.

"You could say that" I say and look back up at him.

I walk in his room and sit on his bed.

"The bathroom is down the hall so you can shower if you want" he says taking off his jacket, and grabbing a change of clothes for himself in the closet.

"Yes please" I tell him and grab the change of clothes in my bag.

"Down the hall to your right."

"Thank you" I tell him and leave his room.

After my shower, I brush my hair and my teeth and walk out of the bathroom.

I walk back to his room and find him lying down in his pajamas half asleep.

"I'm back."

"I see. You only took 40 minutes" he says in to the pillow.

I roll my eyes and lie down next to him.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, turning to face me.

"No, I just want sleep" I mumble, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Okay. Just making sure" he says and stands up to turn off the lights and shut the door.

"Fuck, now I can't see" he says in the darkness, trying to find his way back to the bed.

"Shitty move, Joyner" I laugh and feel him get in to the bed again.

"Not my best" he says trying not to laugh.

"Goodnight Owen."


I feel him hesitantly move closer, and his arms wrap around me.

His body feels so warm, I don't even mind.

"You smell good" he whispers.

I laugh, hoping he can hear me.


"Get some sleep."

"I will if you shut up" I say sarcastically.

He doesn't respond and I know he's pretending to be asleep.

I wake up before Owen the next morning, and turn over to look at him.

My eyes drop to his lips and my body is telling me to kiss him, but my mind is telling me otherwise so I decide against it.

"I can feel you staring" he says which startles me.

"Jesus christ Owen."

"Like what you see?"

His eyes are open now.

"Yeah, okay you're hot, it's whatever. Do you really need me to tell you that to your face?" I say and he looks surprised.

"You're bold for 8 in the morning."

"It's simply the truth, my friend" I tell him and he smirks.

"I'll totally use that against you in the future when you try to defend yourself in front of our friends, but I appreciate it" he says and I roll my eyes.

"This is what I get for being honest" I mumble to myself.

"Turn around" he says, getting up to change.

"Please, I've seen you half naked before this doesn't bother me."

"Mhm, sure" he says and starts to take off his shirt.

I pretend to scroll on my phone and text people and I can feel him watching me.

"You can stop pretending to look at your phone now" he says and I finally look up at him, wearing new clothes.

"I'm going in to the bathroom to change. And no I'm not staying in here" I tell him and grab my clothes from my back pack.

He nods and I walk out of the room and down the hall.

Somehow, it's always Owen and I that are late to set.

Some times it's when we're together, but it's happened plenty of time when we're apart too.

I guess we're just not morning people.

"Great. And we're late again" I say turning to look at Owen.

"We're not that late. Only.." he checks his phone,"10 minutes."

"Hurry up then" I say getting out of the car and off to the dance room.

"Owen, Brea" Kenny greets and we set down our stuff.

Everyone is watching us as we walk to the back of the room and attempt to pay attention to Kenny.

"Thanks for inviting me over last night. I had fun" I whisper in to his ear.

"You're welcome anytime, and I'm glad" he whispers back and shoots me a genuine smile I just can't refuse.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now