Chapter 15

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Maui, HI
November 26th, 2019

I wake up in the middle of the night, and shift to my side to check the time.

3:16 am

I quietly get up and tip toe to the kitchen to get some water.

"Hello?" I hear a voice whisper from the living room, making my head turn and see a tall figure standing.

"Owen? You scared me" I tell him, my breath finally slowing down.

"Shit, sorry" he says, walking towards me.

"Why are you up?" He whispers, our eyes meeting even in the dark.

"Couldn't sleep" I mumble, staring at the ground and breaking eye contact.

"Me too" he says, his voice low and quiet.

I turn on a light, and dim it so it wasn't blinding.

I see him rub his eyes and grab two classes from the cabinet.

"Thanks" I whisper and he nods.

I fill up my glass first, taking a sip, and then moving out of the way.

"Sit" he says, patting the spot on the couch next to him.

He sets his glass down on the table, before wrapping his arm around me as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Owen?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Hm?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Do you think we'll all still be friends when filming is over?" I ask him.

"Of course, why do you ask?" He replies back.

"Well when filming is over, we'll all return to our home towns and we won't see each other as much" I tell him, my mood getting worse thinking about it.

"I promise you, we will all still keep in touch. I'll make sure of it" he reassures me, rubbing my arm.

I nod and feel him shift under me, wrapping his arms around me.

I feel myself get tired,my eyes droopy.

The next thing I know I wake in my own bed, and it's light outside.

He must've brought my back to bed after I fell asleep in the couch.

I sit up in bed and look at the clock.

10:15 am

It's practically past breakfast by the time I finally get out of bed.

"Morning L!" Owen shouts, from my doorway.

He jumps on my bed, annoying me as usual.

"Owen, get off" I say pushing him away, my hands on his bare chest.

He ignores me and lies down on my bed next to me, turning to look at me with a smile.

That smile.

"It's late" he whispers, our faces inches apart.

I turn my body, my back facing him now.

"Come on, you don't hate me that much do you?" He asks, feeling his hot breath on the back on my neck giving me goosebumps.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now