Chapter 27

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Vancouver, BC
December 6th, 2019

During my lunch break, I make sure to find the girls as soon as possible.

I sigh once I see Charlie rushing around as well.

"Charlie, good you're here. Have you seen the girls? Jadah, Madi, Savannah, anyone?" I ask him out breath.

"Um I was just with Madi, and she has to do more scenes with Jadah right now but I don't know where Sav is."

"Why so urgent? Did something happen?" He raises his eye brow with curiosity.

"Nothing happened, just girl talk you know."

"About Owen, I assume?" He smirks.

"You don't need to hide it, Owen already told me about the kiss."

"He did?"

"Yup, as soon as he got home. He wouldn't stop talking about it.."

"But what about our friendship. Isn't that more important than some kiss that didn't mean anything?"

"You're telling me you didn't feel anything when you kissed him?"  

When I didn't answer, Charlie already had his answer.

"I knew it. Now stop sitting here talking about it, and do something. Be straight up with him." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"I need to find the girls first we need to talk abou-." He cuts me off.

"The girls can wait, you should do this now."

"I don't know what to say. I should've planned this out."

"No you shouldn't have. Just be yourself."

"That helps so much, thank you." I mutter sarcastically.

"Go! Go! Go!" He shoves me towards Owen's trailer.

"Tell the girls where I am and what I'm doing and-"
he cuts me off again.

"Yeah yeah yeah, now go!"

My palms begin to sweat as I knock on his trailer door.

"Come in!" He yells from inside.

He looks up from the pages of lines in front of him, taking out the pen he had in between his teeth, and looks up at me.

"Hey B, what's up?" He fidgets with the pen, moving it in between his fingers.

"Just wanted to talk I guess." I sit down next to him.

"What's on your mind?" He lips form into a smile.

"Way too much, but mostly last night." I stare at my shoes afraid to look him in the eyes.

"I had a feeling you'd want to discuss this sooner or later." He sighed shifting in his seat.

"What are your thoughts? Be honest." I asked him fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well, you know I enjoyed the kiss, but we just got caught up in the moment. We're just friends."


"Yeah no, of course. I feel the same way." I swallow blinking back tears.

"B? Is everything okay?" He places a hand on my back.

"Everything's fine" I plaster on a fake smile looking up at him.

"No it's not. I can tell, I'm not stupid." He huffs and grabs the sides of my face to look him in the eyes.

I pull away from his grip and look the other way.

"No no no what did I do, what's wrong?" He asks still trying to make me look him in the eye.

"Friends, friends? Is that all we are? Friends who kiss? Friends who talk non stop? Friends who flirt constantly? Just friends, huh? What a load of shit." I spit out my voice breaking.

"Come on B. You know I feel bad." He mutters quietly.

"Do you really? All this time I know I said I wasn't ready and now that I am, you don't feel the same way anymore?" My voice cracks.

"I never said I don't love you. I care about you so so much, I hope you know that, but we just won't work out."

"Why? Tell me why. If we both feel the same way, how could it not work out?"

"Because I'll break your heart."

"I don't care."

"I can't hurt you, I won't do it. I love you too much to do that."

"So that kiss meant nothing to you? After all that we've been through, last night didn't mean a thing?"

"It meant something, a lot actually, but I know I'll hurt you. Even though I don't mean to. Our friendship is more important. We can love each other and just be friends."


"I'll see you later" I mutter wiping tears and walking out the door.

The fact that he didn't try chase after me, meant that he really didn't care that much.

"How'd it g-" Charlie asks with a smile but it fades quickly once he sees my face.

"What the fuck happened?" He says loudly wiping the tears from my face.

"Owen's a dick, that's what happened. He says we won't work out and that he'll hurt me."

"I'm so sorry. I had no clue I thought he liked you, he kept talking about you." He looks at me with sad eyes.

"It's not your fault, Char. I just need space from him. I had to go rehearse in a little, I can't be crying." I wipe more tears.

"If you need anything I'm here. I can try talking to him if you want?"

"No, please do not, I just need some time by myself. Thank you though."

He places a kiss on my forehead and wraps his arms around me.

"If you need me, just text me okay?"

I nod and walk back to my trailer.

After sitting in my trailer for a while, I get a knock on the door and the hair and makeup ladies come in to do my hair for my next scene.

I'm so happy to have a distraction from this madness.

I guess he was right, saying that he would break my heart even when he didn't mean it, but I didn't think it would be this soon.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now