Chapter 9

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Vancouver, BC
November 12, 2019

I was lying at home, the time read 12:34 pm and I decided to finally get my ass out of bed.

I snapped Owen before hoping in the shower to clean off after yesterday.

I got home so late last night I didn't even have time to shower.

After I hoped out of the shower, I slipped on sweatpants and a plain tank top and watched Netflix in my room on my computer.

I had to decide between watching the 100 or Gilmore Girls since they're both my favorite shows.

I decided to go with Gilmore Girls since I felt in that type of mood.

I watched it for a hour or two before heading downstairs for lunch.

It was already 2:45 and was basically past lunch but I starving so decided to just make a sandwich and take it to my room.

Of course Owen has to facetime me right as I'm walking to my room.

"Hey" he says through the phone.

"Um hi, can I call you back I'm trying to bring food upstairs and I'm not a very good multitasker" I tell him, trying not to drop my glass plate and water.

"Well, if you've really got your hands busy, I'll call you back in 10" he says before adding on, "oh and make sure to drop the glass plate".

I laugh at his sarcasm before hanging up and opening my bedroom door.

I eat my food before calling him back, about 15 minutes later. "Ah you actually remembered to call back, sweet!" He says with a smirk on his face, very visible even through a screen.

"I always call you back" I tell him seriously as I try to get comfortable in my bed once again.

"Yeah, for sure" he says, shifting his position.

"Owen, why did you call? There's no way you miss me THAT bad I saw you last night, buddy" I tease.

"You give me a really hard time, you know that? It's a full time job being your best friend" he says, his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"It's a very fun job, thank you very much" I tell him, and we both starting burst out laughing.

We talk on for what it seems like to be for hours until I decided it's time for dinner.

"I have to go, sorry Owen. I'll call you back later" I tell him before hanging up and heading out for groceries.

I decided to call my mom while I'm getting grocers for dinner. "So how was yesterday? Did you girls have fun?" My mom asked, referring to the girls day I told her about.

"Yeah, it was really fun we all had a great time" I tell her, as I grab pasta from the shelf.

"That's good. Any boys?" My mom asks.

After staying silent for a couple seconds, I hoped she got the hint that their was boys.

"Okay fine, but it was only Charlie and Owen and you know that they're very responsible" I give in, and I already know her what her facial expression looks like right now even though I can't actually see it.

"I promise mom, they're super sweet boys. And you know that Owen's my best friend" I tell her again, trying to convince her. "

"Yes honey I know, but please be careful I don't want you to get your heart broken" she tells me.

"I know mom, I'll be careful" I tell her as we stay our "I love yous" and hang up.

I finish get home at around 7:15 and I go to the kitchen to make some pasta for dinner. I call the whole group chat after dinner, instead of just Owen.

"Hey yall" Madi says.

"Madi you are the definition of Gen Z " Savannah adds, making us laugh.

"She's right you know, you're one of the youngest in the whole cast" I tell her, earning nods from everyone.

"Yeah yeah, I'm cooler than you or whatever" she adds.

"False" Charlie jumps in.

"Okay Mr. Canada" Owen says, laughing.

We all talk for hours, and by the time we all hang up I have the hiccups from laughing so much.

This whole cast has become such a big part in my life and I don't know how I'm ever going to let go.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now