Chapter 20

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Maui, HI —> Vancouver, BC
November 30, 2019

We we're leaving today.

I really didn't want to leave, at all.

We've all grown so much closer, because of this trip.

"All packed?" I hear, turning around to see Owen standing in the door way.

"Unfortunately yes, I really don't want to leave" I complain, grabbing my suit case.

"I don't think any of us do" he says, taking my suit case.

"You don't have t-" I tell him.

"I got it" he says, looking up at me and smiling.

God dammit, his smile.

I nod and grab my back pack, and walk out to the kitchen.

"You guys packed?" Charlie asks us, tying his shoes.

"Yeah, we're good" I tell him as I slip on my shoes.

"Off we go" Charlie says walking out to the car.

"God dammit, it's gonna be like 30 degrees in Vancouver" I mumble, bucking my seat belt.

"Don't remind me" Owen says, closing his car door.

The drive to the air port was about an hour, and we had plenty of time until our flight took off.

I got the window seat this time, so I was only squished next to Owen instead of both of them.

I end up falling asleep for about an hour, and look over to see Charlie asleep and Owen wide awake.

"Have you taken a nap yet?" I ask Owen, sitting up in my seat.

"Oh no, I'm not that tired" he says, fidgeting with rings.

"Can I try one on?" I ask, and he hands me one of them.

"It's huge on my finger, how does it fit you?" I ask, switching the ring from different fingers to see if any fit.

"Guess you just have tiny baby hands" he says, smiling.

"My hands are not that small" I say, defending myself.

"Mm they seem pretty small to me" he teases, and hands me his other one.

"Here, try this one" he says.

"This one fits a little better" I say, moving it from finger to finger.

"You should paint your nails" I tell him, grabbing his left hand.

"No we should paint them. You and me, together" he says, and I smile.

"Yes yes okay, I paint yours and you paint mine" I say and he nods.

"I'm so down. When?" He asks, and I shrug.

"I'm free tonight but we're both probably gonna be exhausted" I say, leaning my head back on my seat.

"I can do tonight" he says, and I nod.

"Alright" I say, and pull out my book from my bag.

"Alright" he says, and I hand him back his rings.

He slips them back on his left hand takes his water out from inside his bag.

We end up getting home at around 7pm PST time and Owen goes home to drop off his stuff and shower.

And at 8:30 I hear a expected knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yell from the couch.

"Hi hi, I can as fast as I could Charlie and I had to unpack and you know how did organized he is" Owen says, walking in to the living room and setting down his stuff.

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