Chapter 26

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Vancouver, BC
December 5th-6th, 2019

I pick up my phone from the side table.

6:03 it reads.

Kenny decided to throw a cast party to mark the half way point of filming.

I plug in my curling iron and call Savannah while I wait for it to heat up.

"Do you mind giving me a ride Sav? I don't want to be late" I ask her grabbing mascara from my desk.

"Sure, what time?"

"6:50 ish?"

"Perfect, see you then."


I hang up and set my mascara down to curl my hair.

My naturally straight hair made it easy to curl, but it took a while.

It's already after 6:30 once I finished curling my hair and I slip on my jeans and top.

I check myself one last time in the full length mirror.

Once I grab my thick coat, I slowly make my way downstairs trying not to trip.

Her car is already out front by the time I get all the way down the stairs.

I open the door and she greets me right away.

"Don't you look cute."

I smile at her and fasten my seatbelt.

"Says you, Savannah."

We arrive on time, but almost everyone is already there.

"There they are" Kenny greets and walks over to hug us.

I feel my face get hot once I realize everyone is staring.

I give him and nervous smile and we both find our seats at the table.

"Hey you."

Owen stands up to hug me, wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Don't you look cute" he whispers.

I feel my face get warm again.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I whisper back and he laughs.

I was seated between Owen and Charlie which meant this dinner would be interesting.

"He told you you look pretty, didn't he?" Charlie whispers beside me.

"How did you know?"

"I saw you blush" he adds and I hit him in the shoulder.

"Okay, so what if I blushed? Is that so bad?"

"Give me a break, you two are practically in love."

He looks over at me with a straight face.

"We're not even dating."

"Yet" he says.

"Enough of this."

He puts his hands in the air to surrender and I turn away from him.

The rest of the night goes pretty smooth, except for the fact that the dinner ends up being over 3 hours long.

"Thank you guys" I tell everyone and walk towards my apartment.

I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Let me drive you home" I turn around and see Owen.

"My apartment is 5 minutes away, it's not a big deal."

"It's freezing out here, you can't walk alone."

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now