Chapter 6

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Vancouver, BC
November 11th, 2019

After everyone got in to their PJ's we all headed downstairs to get ready.

My hair was down and in my face, but I didn't mind.

We decided to take my car since it was already parked in the garage from earlier.

We huddled to make a plan.

The sun had set a while ago, and it was pitch black outside except for the city lights and cars.

I decided to drive since first, it's my car, but also since everyone decided I was oldest.

As soon as we all turned corner I turned down the  music from the car and all of us quietly got out and walked towards his apartment complex, locking the car behind us.

"Brea, you go"' Madi whispered beside me.

"Fine, but I still don't think this is a good idea" I told them all worriedly but they just nudged me ahead.

We ran up the stairs to the front door or his apartment.

I quietly walked up to the door and rung the door bell.

The rest of the girls starting laughing, a little too loud and I was getting worried he would hear us.

I was having so much fun until I heard his and Charlie's voice becoming louder as they walked closer to the door.

"Guys.." I tried to tell them but they didn't hear me and started to sprint.

"Guys I hear their voices" I whisper yelled to them as we started to run down the stairs.

"Hey you" I hear that familiar voice say from behind me.

Annoyed that he caught up to me, while the others got away I turned to face him anyways.

"It wasn't my idea I tried to talk them out of-" I began until Owen pulled me closer to him and our lips connected.

Confused as of why he kissed me, I pulled away quickly.

"Owen what are you-" I tried to say again until he cuts me off again.

Once I pulled away for real this time, he spoke,
"Sorry I-uh I've been wanting to do that for a while" he spoke sofly, making eye contact with me and glancing down at my lips.

"Owen I have to go- I- I'm sorry for.. you know" I told him quickly pulling away from his embrace and walking away not looking back once.

I didn't want to hurt him and I knew I liked him but it was so so confusing and I felt like we were better as friends.

"Brea wait! I'm sorry!" He called out from behind me.

I chose to ignore him and go back to the car where the girls already were.

"Brea! Oh my gosh what happened we were so worried. Did Owen catch you? Did he kiss you? What did he tell you?" Madi rambled on until I cut her off.

"Madi, guys, calm down I'm okay we just.." I told them shyly as we got ready for bed.

"You what?" Jadah asked.

"We I-uh" I tried to get out.

"You what, Brea?" Savannah asked trying to get something out of me.

"We kissed! We kissed ok?" I told them.

Their mouths just hung open, jaws dropped until Jadah spoke up, "You what now?".

"Kissed" I answered shyly.

"I was not expecting this, well I kinda was but not this soon" Mads said.

"So how was it? Is he a good kisser?" Savannah asked teasingly.

"I mean, I guess but I kinda pulled away because even though I like him we would just be better as friends I just don't want to ruin the stable friendship we have, you know?" I tell them honestly.

"Ya I meant it's obvious he likes you and you like him so just go for it. What's the worst that could happen? I mean you could be dating the guy of your dreams, who also happens to be you're best friend who you know so much about. It's honestly pretty perfect if you ask me" Madi says to everyone.

"You're right, I just don't think I'm ready. Let's just change the subject for now, I'm exhausted overthinking this" I tell them.

They all nod and continue to talk about some other random shit as I continue to think about what to say to Owen and how this is gonna play out.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now