Chapter 2

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Vancouver, BC
November 3rd, 2019

The next morning, I woke up at around 9:30 which was pretty early for me.

I quickly texted Owen that I was up, before standing up to wash my face and eat breakfast.

I was missing my parents, who were in LA, a lot right now.

Filming wouldn't be over for like 4-5 months so I tried not to think about it.

I got a notification that Madi was calling me and picked it up.

"Hey" she greets.

"Hi Mads, what's up?" I ask wondering why she called.

"Oh nothing, I just woke up a little bit ago and was wondering if you wanted to come to lunch with the rest of the cast and I today?"

"I'm down, what time?" I ask.

"Probably like 1 or something, I don't know if anyone
is up yet besides us. It'll just be you, me, Charlie, Owen, Savannah, Jadah, Jeremy, and Sacha" she responds shoveling food in her mouth.

"Sounds fun, I'll text Owen and Charlie to try to wake them up" I ask.

"Great, I'll text you" she adds quickly before hanging up.

I'm making my breakfast, when my phone rings again.

"Hi" he says sleepily as I notice he's in bed as we speak.

"You seem very productive, Owen" I joke.

"Yeah, very" He says sarcastically and I laugh.

"What are you up to?" He asks, and I hear shuffling.

"Just making breakfast."

I set up my phone so he can see what I'm doing.

"I'm too lazy" he mumbles in his pillow.


"Did Mads tell you about the lunch today?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, she texted Charlie and I bright and early, but I just checked a couple minutes before I called you."

"Great. Well I'm glad you're finally up, sleepy head, and I'll see you in a few hours."

"Sweet, see you" he adds, blowing a kiss and hanging up.

I set down my phone and head to my room to get changed.

I throw on my brown corduroys, a sweater, and a puffer jacket and sit down on my bed.

It was getting colder in Vancouver and I made sure to wear multiple layers.

At 12:45, I grabbed my car keys and started driving to the place Mads sent us.

When I arrived, everyone was already there but I didn't think I was late.

"Here she is!" Owen says loudly, standing up to help me take off my jacket.

"Thanks" I mumble to Owen.

The only spot left was in between Owen and Charlie.


I knew he got cold easily so of course, he had to wear his favorite beanie.

"Nice hat" I tease.

"You like it?" He asks, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, it's cute" I tell him.

"Thank you, it's one of my many favorite hats" he asks, droning on about his hat collection.

The lunch ended up being really fun and a great bonding experience.

By the time we finished it was only 2:30 so we decided to head out and explore the city a little bit.

Of course Charlie was our tour guide since he knew this place like the back of his hand, and it was very helpful to be around him in a city that none of us knew much about except him.

"It's a little cold for ice cream, don't you think?" I ask the group but they shake their heads.

"Oh come on" Charlie says.

We landed up at a small ice cream shop on the corner.

"I'll have a scoop of cookie dough, please" I ask the man working there.

"Too cold, eh?" Charlie asks smiling.

"It tastes good, so it's worth freezing to death" I reply with a big smile

"What flavor did you get?" I ask Owen who's standing next to me.

"Vanilla" he says and I roll my eyes.


"Whatever" he mumbles and takes a bit of the cone.

"Says the person who didn't even want ice cream" he adds and I punch him in the shoulder.

"Hey! What was that for?" He says, rubbing his shoulder where I punched him.

"I am enjoying this ice cream, thank you very much Mr. Joyner" I smirk.

"I can tell" he teases, pointing to the ice cream all over my mouth.

"How can such little ice cream, possibly get all over you're face?" He grabs a napkin and tries to wipe it off.

"What is going on her-" Madi starts before bursting out laughing once she seems my face.

"Okay, is it really that bad?" I ask no one in particular for a honest opinion.

"Kinda?" Owen answers but it sounds more like a question.

I pull out my phone to check for myself.

"Oh my god, help me" I look up at him. 

"I need to take a photo first" he says grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

"First off, how do you know my password? Second of all, don't you dare post those anywhere" I deadpanned.

"Fuck, why are you so tall?" I curse while trying to get my phone back.

Damn him for his height.

I keeping try to jump and get it but he just holds it higher making it impossible.

"Yeah? But what if I do?" He asks making me even more mad.

"Give it back! Owen!" I yell as he starts running with my phone around the block.

"Where are you guys goi-" Madi yells before I interrupt her.

"Not now Madi, I'm dealing with a crisis!" I yell.

I begin to sprint after him, around the block and through the bust street.

"Okay.. okay.." I say out of breath as we both come to a stop "I give up."


He laughs and before hands me my phone back.

"Aw thanks, you shouldn't have" I tell him sarcastically under my breath.

"You're welcome. It's fun seeing you get all flustered" He smiles our eyes meeting for a brief second.

"Um where are we?" I ask him, realizing that we ran at least 3 blocks away from everyone.

"Charlie's gotta know, right?" He asks me.

"Why are you asking me? Call him."


He takes his phone out of his pocket and types in Charlie's number.

He takes the phone off speaker, so I can't hear, and talks to Charlie for a few minutes.

"So?" I ask once he's off the phone

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