Chapter 3

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Vancouver, BC
November 5th, 2019

Monday morning was a rude wake up call for me. 8:30 am my clock on my nightstand read.

Oh crap I'm supposed to be there by 9 I remembered right at that moment.

I quickly got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, did quick mascara and ran out the door not having time for breakfast.

I rushed in to my car and drove as fast as I could to get to set.

8:59 am the clock on my phone read as I pulled in to the parking lot of set.

Owen texted me asking where I was, obviously worried I was going to be late.

I ran as quickly as I could in to the building and saw everyone already there and I got extremely embarrassed.

"Hey, you okay?", Owen asked sincerely "Rough morning?"

"Oh shut it Owen you know I sleep in", I told him rolling my eyes.

He just smiled and shook his head, looking down at me standing there.

"Did you at least eat breakfast?" He asked sincerely.

"Yeah of course" I lie, knowing he would get mad at me if I didn't eat.

He looked at me closely.

"You sure?"he asks with a worried look on his face.

"Alright, if you say so. Let's head in Kenny's probably wondering where we are" he says, grabbing my hand pulling me closer to him to follow him.

"Lead the way" I say.

"There you two are, we're just about to run through Bright again. Madison, head up on stage alright? Boys I want you to wait here until I tell you to come in okay?" Kenny said, trying to get everyone in order.

"Brea, come with me we're gonna head to the dance room to rehearse Wow one more time" Kenny said as I followed him across the building.

I quickly turn around to wave bye and then attempt to catch up with Kenny.

"Hey girl!" I hear Savannah say as I entered the room beside Kenny.

I quickly wave to her and the rest of the girls before he interrupts me.

"Alright girls, we're gonna practice with out costumes first and then add them in okay?"

We all nod and get in to position.

We practice a bunch more times and by the end of the day I'm exhausted.

"Hey guys what did I miss" I ask as Owen and I started to play fight for no reason..

"Ah nothing yet, hey B could I- uh have a word?" Charlie asked me suspiciously.

"Oh yeah sure" I responded confused. At that moment, Owen took his hands off me and glared at Charlie almost in a jealous way.

I patted his shoulder, motioning that nothing was going on.

Owen POV:

I have to admit, I was a little jealous since I had no clue what her and Charlie would talk about but decided to calm down and not overreact.

I run my hands through my hair as I quickly run to get out of the building and noticed Brea shoot me a quick look that says are you okay? what's wrong?

I shake it off and continue to run out to my trailer to clear my head.

I sit there for a few minutes worried about what they're talking about right this moment.

Brea POV:

I noticed Owen run right out of the set building as soon as Charlie said that to me and I immediately got worried.

What would Charlie possibly want to talk to me about?

What was so important?

I continued to ponder this, until Charlie came and pulled me to the side to talk with me about whatever he would possibly want to talk to me about.

"Okay Brea, I know you're probably really confused as of why I need to talk to you so badly but there's just something I think you should know. And I know Owen's probably going to get really mad at you for talking to you like this, since you guys are so close but he's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about", Charlie started.

"You see Owen , he likes you. Like like likes you" he spit out.

"You mean like friends?" I ask him.

"No, no more than friends. Like in a dating type of way" he responded hopeful.

"Oh", I stated, extremely overwhelmed and shocked.

"I- I think it's really I just don't know how to feel right now. I have go" I said shortly wanting to clear my head.

Owen POV:

I heard someone knock on my door and quickly asked, "Who's there".

"It's just me" Brea replied, but her voice sounded sad.

"Come in," I tell her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, walking in and sitting next to me. 

"I'm fine. I promise" I reassure her.

"Yeah, no you're not I can tell when you're lying" she said.

"No, I'm okay I promise you" I respond.

"If you say so. Do you want to get out of here, maybe get some food?" She asks me, our thighs touching now that we were sitting so close.

"Yeah sure, sounds good" I tell her, our eyes meeting.

In the back of my mind, I still wondered what he talked to her about.

If it was about me, or her, or both of us. If it was a secret of mine, or a secret of his.

It could be a number of  things, but I decided to push it away and focus on us.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now