Chapter 10

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Vancouver, BC
November 13th, 2019

Brea POV:

It's currently 4:30 am on a Monday and I have to get up and head to set.

We rarely have extremely early scenes like this but Kenny told us in advance that we would occasionally have some so at least we were prepared.

I don't know why I have to go though since this is the boys' hot dog scene but he wanted all of us to come anyways.

I grumpily get up, my alarm waking me up first before anything, and head to my bathroom.

I quickly brush my teeth and slip on something comfortable.

I honestly didn't care how I looked, everyone would be exhausted too. I had to be quiet not to wake up the rest of my apartment complex as I got outside and into my car.

I drove as quickly as I could and as soon and I pulled in and I spotted my favorite blonde right away.

His light hair a shaggy mess, his gray sweatpants that looked like he just threw them on and a random shirt.

Of course, even at 5 am and a total mess, he still looked good.

"Hey" he said, walking up to me.

The rasp in his voice definitely showed he was tired and hadn't fully woken up yet.

"Hey" I say bluntly, rubbing my eyes to try to wake up.

"You tired?" He asks, ruffling my hair and messy it up.

"Quit that. And yes, can't you tell" I tell him, tiredly but jokingly.

"No actually, you definitely seem awake. Your attitude is even more convincing" He says quietly, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Yeah yeah, super funny Owen" I say walking away and towards the door to the main building.

"There she goes again!" He shouts from afar, his voice still sounding tired and raspy.

I just shake my head and laugh it off.

"Hey Brea, you can go stand with the other girls and we'll let you know when we're gonna start practicing" Kenny tells me, pointing over to Savannah and the other girls.

"Thanks Kenny!" I tell him, walking over to them.

"Heyyy" Sav says a little too loudly considering its literally 5:30 am on a Monday.

"Sav, I love you girl, but you're being too loud when it's 5:30 in the morning" I tell her and the rest of the girls, including Savannah herself, laugh.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't even realize" she says sweetly, lowering her voice.

"So, did you see Owen this morning? He looked hot right" she asks, making me blush.

"Yeah I did, and I mean ya helooked good, he always looks good" I tell her honestly, knowing this didn't mean anything since we were best friends.

"Who looked good?" Owen asks from behind us, startling me.

"Someone" I say, a little to fast before Sav puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes her head.

"Mhm well it seems like something alright, but I'll leave it alone for now" he replies, suspiciously.

We waiting for another 15 minutes or so before we're brought in the dance room for another dance rehearsal.

We went through it probably like 20 times before we were let free.

By the time we finished, it was only 8:30 in the morning and I had to film scenes later so I needed to stay on set for the rest of the day, unfortunately.

"Hi Brea" Madi says brightly, walking over towards me.

"You seem like you've been up and awake for a while" I tell her with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, I've been up since like 3 because I couldn't sleep. I'm extremely exhausted but I'm hanging in there. What about you? Any Owen this morning?" She says, wiggling her eye brows on the last sentence making me roll my eyes.

"Not you too. Sav also brought him up" I tell her.

"Brought who up?" A voice from behind says making me get mad.

"Owen, please stop eavesdropping" I say loudly until I turn around and realize it's not Owen this time.

"Oh Charlie thank god", I sigh before continuing, "I thought you were Owen again. He seems to love eavesdropping."

He just laughs, "yeah he's always been good at that. Gossiping too."

I laugh before answering. "Good to know."

He nods before pulling Madi to the side.

"Hey Brea, sorry we have to go shoot scenes so you'll be on your own. Hope you don't mind" Charlie slips out before him and Madi wave goodbye and head towards the main building.

I wave back, and sigh feeling lonely without them. Especially Madi she's my favorite on set, don't tell Owen.

I stay on set until about 1pm shooting the scenes for Dirty Candy before finally heading home.

Exhausted was such a understatement: as soon as I got home, I stripped of my clothes and took a nice hot shower.

After showering, I lied in bed and took a little nap before waking up for dinner. I ordered pizza, so I  took some to my room to relax.

Once I finished eating, I collapsed in bed and immediately fell back to sleep.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now