Chapter 13

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Vancouver, BC —> Maui, HI
November 24th, 2019

Our flight was bright and early at 7:45 am. Which meant I had to wake up extremely early.

My alarm on my phone went off and I picked it up from my side table.

My room was pitch black, and the time read 4:45 am.

I groaned, before lying down on my bed again.

"It's too early" I complain to myself.

After 10 minutes of this, I finally got out of bed and went to my bathroom.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and got dressed.

I rolled my suitcase to the living room as I made my ice coffee.

Owen insisted on driving me to the airport, I don't know why but he just did.

It was almost 5:30 by the time he arrived and I heard his car horn from inside my apartment.

"Would you quit that, it's 5:30 in the morning and people in my building could still be asleep?" I whisper yelled at him as he got out of the car to help me with my suitcase.

He just laughs, while putting my suitcase in the trunk of his car.

"Hey Charlie" I say to the brunette boy, in the passenger seat.

"Good morning" he responds, turning his head to look at me.

"You and Owen seem to have gotten off on a good start today, yeah?" He says, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh for sure, only love this morning" I say sarcastically.

"Are you guys talking about me?" Owen says, opening the door and sitting in the drivers seat.

"No" Charlie responds, quickly as I try to hide my laughter.

He just raises a eyebrow, before starting the car.

The drive to the airport was pretty smooth, and we ending up arriving at around 6 am sharp with still a hour till our flight boards.

We check in and and make it through security quickly.

I already ate breakfast at home and so I wasn't hungry.

Our flight started boarding at around 7:30 and Charlie, Owen and I shared a row.

Let's just say, it was absolute chaos.

The flight was 5 hours and 55 minutes, and I watched a movie and read my book for more than half of the flight.

For the rest of the flight, I tried to get some sleep, obviously sleep deprived from the night before.

Owen and Charlie were passed out for the whole flight.

They told me earlier that they got about 2 hours of sleep since they were up packing.

Leave it to Owen and Charlie to pack last minute.

"Hey.. wake up" Owen said quietly.

When I didn't wake up, he annoyed me even more.

"Hey! Wake up!" He said clapping his hands together right by my ear.

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