Chapter 23

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Vancouver, BC
December 3rd, 2019

I wake up at 3 am, it's pitch black, but I see a figure in my room.

"Hello?" I whisper yell.

"Fuck" I hear the figure mumble and immediately recognize his voice.

"Owen what are you doing?" I ask and he walks over to my bed.

"Sorry for waking you up I was just dropping you off" he says and I feel him lie down next to me.

"It's fine, I was half awake anyways" I tell him and turn to face him.

"You sure?" He says, not even above a whisper.

"I'm sure" I whisper back.

I feel him wrap my arms around me tightly, his breathing becoming more steady.

"Goodnight" he faintly whispers in to my shoulder.

I'm too sleepy to respond back, and just lean farther in to him.

But when I wake up in the morning, he's gone.

I get up at 8 am, since we didn't need to be on set until 10:30.

I arrive on set at 10:15, a little early since there was no traffic.

"Hey Charlie" I say, greeting the familiar face.

"Morning" He say and smiles, walking over to me.

"How many scenes are you filming today?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to ask Kenny. I don't think a lot though" he says, running his hands through his hair.

"That's good" I say.

"Yeah, how about you?" He asks.

"I think we only have to preform All eyes on me one more time, with Owen this time" I say and he nods.

"Cool, well Kenny's calling me. Bye" He waves goodbye and I wave back.

I meet up with Savannah to practice before Kenny comes in to the dance studio.

"Hi girls" Kenny greets, walking in to the room.

"Hi" Savannah and I say in sync.

"I was thinking that we should rehearse All eyes on me one last time, then add Owen in for the final thing, okay?" He asks and we both nod.

"Great" he says, and the other girls come in for rehearsal.

The one last time, turned in to 10 more times and we quickly became exhausted.

"Jesus Christ" I mutter under my breath as I grab a sip of water.

"Owen!" Kenny yells, trying to get his attention.

"We're going to try it all together, everyone let's get set up" he says and Owen walks in to the room.

He gives me a quick wave, and stands were Kenny tells him to.

"1, 2,3..." Kenny starts as we start to run through it.

"Kenny.. I.. I think I need a break" I tell him, out of breath after the 5th try.

He nods and I grab my water bottle.

"How are you feeling?" Owen says, walking towards me.

"Tired" I sigh and set down my water.

"Oh yeah, you've been practicing like all day right?" He asks and moves his hair out of his face.

"Just about" I mumble and walk towards my spot.

"Alright, places everyone lets try it one last time and then we'll wrap for the day. I know you all must be exhausted" Kenny says and starts the music.

This time, when the music ends, Kenny looks happier than I've seen him all day.

"Great, great, great! That was fantastic, glad we ended today on a high note. Go get some sleep and don't forget to hydrate, we have another big day tomorrow" He says and waves goodbye.

I sigh in relief, and walk out to the parking lot.

I wave good bye to everyone and start driving home.

As soon as I get home, I take a nice hot shower, put on my PJ's, and lay in bed.

The clock read 9:45 pm and even though it's super early, I decide to shut off my light and catch some sleep.

Early December in Vancouver was freezing and I had at least 3 blankets that I slept with.

I turn off my phone and got under the covers.

The next morning I wake up at 8 and get up to make breakfast.

I put my bagel in the toaster and walk back to my room to get my clothes on for the day.

Since I had such a small part in Dirty Candy, Kenny also decided to have me be one of the Hollywood Ghost Club dancers.

I was exited since that meant I got to dance with the  guys.

After breakfast, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to the garage.

I drove to set with 10 minute to spare.

"Morning" Madi says and waves.

"Morning" I repeat back and smile.

"If your looking for Owen, he's with Charlie and Jeremy in Studio B" Madi says when she notices me looking around.

"Thanks Mads. See you later!" I wave.

I open the door and feel a body ram in to me as I attempt to walk through.



"Hi" I look up at him and he smiles.

"Hey you. What's going on?" He asks, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Just thought I'd say hi before we get started for the day" I say and he nods.

"We're filming a lot of Hollywood Ghost Club scenes today, so at least we'll be together" he says looking in to my eyes.

I nod and see Kenny walk in.

He tells us what the plan is for today and warns us in advance that it's gonna be a long day and we all internally groan.

We all love Kenny but man, filming is such hard work.

Everyone is exhausted by the end of everyday.

Around lunch time I go try to find Savannah and Madi, since Kenny said we had 15 minutes.

At 10 pm, the day is finally over and Owen walks over to me.

"Wanna come over?" He asks and I raise a eyebrow.

"At 10pm when we have to be here early tomorrow?" I ask.

"Come on, you can shower and sleep at my place. I have pajamas for you too. Please?" He begs.

"Okay okay, let me get my stuff and say by the girls" I tell him and he smiles.

"Knew you wouldn't let me down" he says, wrapping his arms around me.

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