Chapter 29

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Vancouver, BC
December 9th- 23rd, 2019

The next two weeks went by way too slowly for my liking, but Christmas was almost here, and I loved the holidays.

Today was the 23rd: our last day until winter break and it was fairly jam- packed, but we were all so excited for the holiday party tonight that the cast planned.

My day went something like this: I woke up at 7:30, got to set at 8, did dance rehearsal from 8:30-11:30, ate lunch, filmed scenes from 12:30 to 3:30, watched band rehearsal from 3:45- 4:45, and then went home and to get ready for the party.

When I got home, all I wanted to do was sleep, but my pulled myself up and hopped in the shower.

I picked out a black party dress from a year or two ago, and sat down to do my makeup. I had to bring plenty of jackets since I knew it was going to be freezing outside.

At around 8, I drove over to Charlie and Owen's apartment, because the party was there.

Everyone was there when I arrived, and the girls immediately ran up to me screaming.

"Oh my god, you look so hot!" Savannah yelled and I laughed.

"Um look at you Sav, you're literally perfect" I scream over the music.

"Seems like Owen and Charlie invited extra people huh?" I ask the girls and they nod.

"Yeah and I don't know half of these people!" Savannah yells.

I see Charlie moving through the large group of people to say hi to us.

"Hey guys, you look great!" Charlie yells to us through the noise.

We make small talk with him for a little bit before I decide to grab a drink.

As I'm walking to get a drink, I spot Owen.

But he's not alone: he's with a girl, a very pretty one.

And to think I was gonna talk to him tonight.

They're dancing together, having the time of their life.

I stare at them with sad eyes and I down my drink as fast as I can, and walk back to the girls.

"Charlie, who's that girl that Owen's with?" I ask him and he turns around to face me.

"Oh her?" He points to the pair, "her name's Ansley, we don't really know her that well but Owen invited her anyways."

"Are they dating or what? They look awfully close." I point to the two dancing.

"I don't know. You shouldn't worry about though, Owen's just trying to distract himself from you. I'm sure he doesn't even like her, he's just fucking around cause she's pretty." He says with sympathy.

I look over at him one more time and his eyes lock with mine and I break the eye contact quickly.

"You should still have fun tonight though. How about a dance?" He asks and I nod.

He grabs my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor, and Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood comes on and I scream.

"I love this song!"

"And all I am is a man, I want the world in my hands, I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand!" I sing loudly, and everyone else does too.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now