Chapter 7

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Vancouver, BC
November 11th, 2019

Owen POV:

"Charlie!" I yell to him as I closed the front door behind me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, walking from his room and into the living room.

"I just really fucked up things" I told him.

"Owen, it's okay just explain" he reassured me.

I continued to explain everything and how I kissed her.

"And then she just ran away and I tried to call out to her, but she just ignored me" I continued to tell him.

"Owen, I'm so sorry" he started.

"I know what are we gonna do man, you need to help me" I asked him.

"I got you man, we're best friends" he assured me.

"So do you think she likes you at all or..?" he asked.

"Oh ehm well not after she ran away, but before it seemed like she did I mean I saw some signs. Dude I really like her and I just wish she knew how I felt" I ranted to him.

Charlie POV:

After Owen just said that, my mind flashed back to when I had told Lila how Owen felt about her.

Fuck that's definitely a big part of why she ran away. She knew too much, and it was overwhelming her.

I felt like a such a dumb ass tell her how he felt about her, and HE didn't even know I did that I thought.

God damnit, as much as Owen needed me right now I needed to talk to Brea it was urgent I thought to myself.

"Dude earth to Charlie" Owen said as he waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh shit sorry Owen I need to um" I tried to spit out.

"I- We need to go see Brea right now and figure this out" I told him sternly.

"Are you crazy?? Go there now? At 12 AM on a Saturday night after I was just completely humiliated?" Owen responded forcefully.

"Just shut up and come with me" I told him.

Owen POV:

I'm extremely confused at Charlie right now. He knew how upset I was and then he takes me to see this last person I want to see right now?

It's absolutely ridiculous.

We head out the door and over to Mads house that was a couple blocks away. I knocked on the door, nervously.

"Ya I'll be right up one se-" she began to say until she say both of us stand there.

"What is it? You've come back begging for forgiveness and look, you brought a friend! How fun" she says coldly, avoiding eye contact.

"Something like that" I mumble until Charlie elbows my side.

Brea POV:

"Come in, I guess" I say hesitantly.

They walk in and Charlie closes the door behind them.

"I'll head upstairs. Leave you guys to it" he mumbles before going upstairs.

"If everything okay down there?" Savannah yells from upstairs.

"Is it Owen?" Madi adds. I cringed so hard at the last sentence, scrunching my nose just a tad.

"Oh I see you have gossiped about me? How lovely!" he teased while smirking.

"Owen, this is seriously we need to talk" I say sternly.

"Yes, I know" he says, changing his expression completely.

"Well this is it" I told Owen as we sat down on the couch.

I kept his eyes on my the whole time, making me nervous.

"Look about the kiss Owen-" I started until he cut me off.

"Look, I am so sorry. If I knew how uncomfortable you were I wold have never done it in the first place" he says quietly, trying his best to look at me.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now