Chapter 8

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Vancouver, BC
November 11th, 2019

Owen and I sat there, on the couch in Mads living room alone from everyone. "It's okay, thank you for apologizing. I just- I don't think I'm ready yet. I need to process my feelings before I fully commit to this" I told him trying to avoid his gaze.

"Of course. Whenever you're ready, just tell me okay?" He asked coming closer to me and wrapping a arm around me as I put my head in his shoulder.

"God Owen you're so understanding I can't take it" I say playfully.

"Guess I'm just that cool, huh?" he says playfully.

"Not really" I say punching him in the arm.

He pretends to be hurt, making me laugh.

"Your hair's getting long" I say running my hands through his blonde shaggy hair,

"you should probably cut it".

"Easier to play with though?" He asks, turning to smile at me.

"That is a bonus" I say pointing at him. He smiles before scooping me up and taking me upstairs.

"Put me down!" I beg as he throws me down in the couch around everyone.

"Meh, Owen looks like he's got it under control" Charlie says

Owen POV:

I woke up in the morning feeling with a smile on my face and wondering how I got back in my own bed but continued to sleep.

My bed was so comfy, I never wanted to get up. I decided to stay home today, and relax after last nights events.


Last night interesting? At first I was surprised that he kissed me, but then we talked and figured it out and I was happy with the outcome.

We both knew we liked each other and that was okay for now. It would stay like this for a little while until we were both 100% ready.

I continued to try to ignore it the rest of our girls sleepover and just have fun and of course the girls knew, but didn't really ask about last night since it was still so new.

Owen texted me saying that he was going to stay home and decided I would do the same. We both needed a day off after yesterday.


Hey Lila, I hope you're okay still. I know last night was kind of crazy. Let me know if you need anything


Thanks Charlie, I'm doing okay. We talking it out and we're good. I appreciate it though. See you on Monday.

I ignored my texts and just relaxed and eventually drifted to bed again, extremely exhausted still. I was so happy it was the weekend and I could relax.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now