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You were around a holo table with Rex. It seemed as if every clone from all of Kamino arrived as well. Obi-Wan was currently laying out a plan to take back your village and to equally disable the droids along with it.

"The Separatist leader currently resides in this village. However, he is unaware of our knowledge of his location. That is why some of the 187th battalion arrived with us, to give off the effect that we think he is in the city." Obi-Wan explained. 

"Is General Windu here?" Rex asked, his arms folded, his focus on Obi-Wan. "Master Windu will be arriving shortly, he just got done with a mission on Ryloth. But as soon as he arrives we need to get into position." Obi-Wan said stroking his beard.

Seemingly out of nowhere Obi-Wan's comlink began to go off. "Speak of the devil..." Obi-Wan muttered as he answered his comlink. "Master Kenobi. The rest of my forces and I just entered the system." You heard an unfamiliar voice come through. "Well then, I guess we better get on our way to the village." Obi-Wan said and Windu chuckled. "You haven't already? Surprising." He said and Kenobi chuckled. "Alright, we're on it." Obi-Wan replied before ending the transmission.

"Alright, let's get into position everyone." Obi-Wan commanded and everyone rushed to their places to head out of the campground (other than the men stationed to defend the campground).

You equipped your weapons, putting them in your holsters. "Y/N!" You heard Delilah yell from a distance. You turned to see her running at you with a large spear. You looked at her questioningly. "Are you- really going?" She asked, panting. "Yes Delilah, I am. But I promise I'll come back." You said patting her hair. "Here." She said handing you the silver spear.

"Dad told me to give it to you. I almost forgot about it. I'm sorry." She said as she handed it to you. "Oh well thank you, Delilah. I'll make sure that I bring home mom and dad." You said with a smile and she grinned, giving you a nod in response.

You followed the two battalions that were leading the attack, some were pieces of the 501st, some the 212th, and the rest were 187th.

You walked side by side with Rex, the two of you walked in the middle of the large military force. You held the spear, examining it. You wonder if your dad crafted it, or if he had traded for it. You also were wondering what it was made out of. It felt lighter than it appeared. 

"So where did you get that from?" Rex asked and you shrugged. "It's been in my family for a long time. But I'm not sure why. I used to think perhaps my father bartered for it but he told me otherwise, even showed me that my grandfather had it in his hands during a planetary civil war." You said as you twirled it carefully in your hands.

"A family heirloom then. I wonder what it's made out of. Hey Kix! Can you come look at this?" Rex asked motioning Kix to catch up with the two of you.

Once Kix caught up he asked, "Yes sir?" Rex immediately pointed at your staff. "Can you scan the elements of this staff? It's an heirloom of Miss Y/L here but we're not sure what it's made out of." Rex explained and Kix nodded just before pressing the side of his helmet.

A small gasp escaped Kix's lips, "Sir, it's made completely out of beskar." He said in shock. "What? Beskar? Like beskar from Mandalore?" You questioned and Kix nodded. 

Why would this be in your family?

"You don't think you have Mandalorian blood in you, do you?" Rex asked as Kix fell behind in the group again. "I'm not sure, I don't know anything about my heritage. Hell, I don't think we're even native to this planet if I remember correctly." You said as you gripped onto the beskar staff harder. "But I'm going to find out when I get my parents back." You said.

It wasn't long before all 3 battalions reached the front of the village. Obi-Wan got the order to stay put until Windu successfully carried out the distraction in the main city.

"We could be here for another hour, possibly a little less. Obi-Wan said as everyone was grouped up. Just over the hill was your village, but to stay concealed everyone would be kept on the opposite side just before raiding the village.

A sudden transmission alert came into Obi-Wan's comlink. "Master Kenobi, we were caught just before we could enter the heart of the city, hopefully, this will be enough of a distraction for you to catch the Separatist leader. Can you see if any transports are leaving the village and heading to the city?" He asked, and just as if on cue, two ships carrying plenty of droids rose into the air and flew into the direction of the city. "We just saw them leave. We're making our move now."

Obi-Wan then pointed in the direction of the village. "Let's go!" He shouted.

Everyone ran over the hilltop and straight for the village. Just as predicted, blaster fire erupted from the village, so the clones carrying shields came forward and created a barrier since it was only an open field from the hilltop to the village.

You pulled out your blaster that had been holstered at your side and fired at the droids keeping your village guarded.

Obi-Wan used his lightsaber to deflect the incoming blaster fire. "Cody, now!" He shouted and Cody brought out a huge rocket launcher. "No wait there's explosives in the village!" You pointed out, just barely seeing past the droids.

"Why do they have explosives set up in the village?" Rex questioned and you shook your head. "I'm not sure, we need to retreat and strategize." Obi-Wan said just before ordering everyone to fall back.

"Master Windu, we've had a little turn of events." Obi-Wan said into his comlink.

"Go on Master Kenobi." Windu replied within a matter of seconds. "It seems as if the Separatists placed explosives within the village, we're unsure why." He explained, curiosity strong in his voice. "They've equally placed explosives within the city. However, we're avoiding them since we're mainly here for a distraction, not to blow up the city." Mace Windu said.

You looked at Rex. "They could be trying to destroy this whole planet. But why?" You pointed out and Rex shook his head, "There's no way to tell, but why put it in the same village as the Separatist leader?" He asked, you turned to Obi-Wan and said, 

"Master Kenobi. I may have an idea on how to figure out what's going on here."

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