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That same evening a small transport ship arrived at your campsite. Although, it was packed with many clones and one proper Jedi. His name was Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was very polite and quite intelligent.

"We'll get more reinforcements as soon as we can bypass the Separatist blockade." Obi-Wan said as he showed you a hologram of the blockade.

 "Did they see you?" You questioned and Obi-Wan shook his head. "Because of the size of our ship, we were able to cloak our ship and reach the surface without being detected." He explained and you nodded, "Impressive."

"Rex," Obi-Wan said turning to Rex. "Any casualties?" He asked. Rex already had his helmet off and it rested between his side and his arm. The conversation between the two became background noise to you. Your mind consisted of Coruscant, and what it would be like there.

"Y/N." Rex said, catching your attention.

You looked up to see Rex facing you, Obi-Wan was now gone and Rex's face was more contorted into concern. "These are the last days. Either we win, or the Separatists win. But either way, there may be casualties." He began, he looked down and took your hand. 

"I need you, to stick by me, no matter what." He said, his voice pleaful. You looked up at him as his gloved hand gripped yours. "I don't want to lose you." He said and you shook your head.

"Rex, you won't lose me. We can do this, together. Okay?" You reassured him and he nodded. Rex placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before pulling away and looking down at you.

"I have some work to attend to, can you go talk to Fives and Jesse? I need to see what their plans are. With General Kenobi here, it won't be long before we head into battle." He said and you nodded, "I'll get to it, Rex." You confirmed and he smiled before letting your hands go and walking away.

After taking some time to go speak to Jesse and Fives, you went to visit your sister. She was sitting in her tent reading a book once more. You smiled, you were happy that such things would keep her entertained, just as they had entertained you at her age. 

"Delilah?" You called out and she looked up at you, "Oh hi Y/N! Hey, check out these, they're called Varactyls, and they're native to Utapau!" She said, showing you a picture of one of the creatures. "Wow, Delilah. Do you think you'd want to pet one if you ever saw one?" You questioned to which Delilah looked as if she were in thought for a moment.

"Nah, they look like they'd bite my hand off." She stated and you chuckled at her response. "Well, Delilah, soon we're going to be trying to get those tin cans out of our home. But you'll have to stay behind while I go with Rex to help." You explained to her as you straightened out the fly-away strands of her brown hair.

"Well, okay. But Y/N?" Delilah said as she flipped a page of her book. "Yes, Delilah?" You asked and she looked up at you, "Is Rex your boyfriend?" She asked and your face went red. "Well, uh, not exactly." You said, trying to rack your brain for the right answer. 

"Well, what exactly is he then? Oh my maker," she leaned in and whispered, "Have you guys held hands yet?" Delilah asked and you chuckled, "Yes Delilah, we have." You said and she gasped, "Then that means he's your boyfriend!" She exclaimed loudly. "Delilah!" You said trying to hush her.

Delilah chuckled and covered her mouth, "Sorry, I didn't know it was a secret." She said and you smiled and shook your head. "Delilah, I just need you to be good for the older kids while I'm gone for a little bit, okay?" You asked and she nodded, "I promise I will." She said and you smiled.

 You left her tent, and as soon as you stepped out you saw Rex off with his helmet. The biggest smirk was playing on his face and yours immediately went red.

"Did you hear..." You began, pointing at the tent subtly. Rex nodded, "Every word." He nodded with a smile on his face. "Oh, my maker." You said, covering your now very red face.

Rex chuckled and gently grabbed your wrists, removing them from your face. He pulled you in, causing your body to collide with his. "I don't care that people know I find you very attractive, or that I think you're the most beautiful woman in the whole galaxy. I don't care if they know." He said gently stroking back a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up at him, your eyes wide and your mouth agape.

"I swear you are the cutest thing I've seen in the whole galaxy." You murmered making Rex chuckle. Rex gave you a quick kiss on the lips before his arm snaked around your waist and stated,

"Cm'on we have a planet to take back darling."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now