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"And now you are finally about to receive what you have come here looking for. All of the Nightsisters each have their own book, plenty of room for writing is established at the end for any future spells you may conjure." Mother Talzin said as she created a black book out of thin air and levitated it to you. "Some of these spells will answer the questions you have previously asked." She explained as she watched you open it.

"Thank you. So much for your help." You said as you looked up at her and you gently shut the book. "Now onto your path to becoming a full fledged Nightsister..." She began but you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Mother Talzin, I am humbled by all you've shown me, and the knowledge I have gained during my time here. However, I am not seeking to become a Nightsister." You explained and she glared at you.

"Then you will leave. You will not step foot on Dathomir again!" She said, clearly angry by your decision. "Mother Talzin- please I mean no disrespect-" You began but she silenced you immediately. "Leave Dathomir before I change my mind and have you slaughtered like an animal." She threatened, her voice growing louder.

You obeyed her command and began to run through the dense forest.

"Make sure she does not leave this planet alive." Mother Talzin said as she turned to the other Nightsisters. They jumped up and began chasing after you, unbeknownst to you.

You finally reached the clearing where the ship still sat idle. "Rex!" You called out as he sat on the ramp. He immediately stood up and ran over to you before colliding with you and hugging you tightly, as if you'd been away for centuries. "Y/N, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked and you shook your head. He took off his helmet to get a better look at you.

A mix of relief and worry were filling his eyes as he looked at you. Rex brought his gloved hands up to your face after dropping his helmet to the ground and he kissed you desperately.

You returned the kiss, becoming teary-eyed at his worry for you. "I'm so glad you made it back safe, darling." He whispered to you after he pulled away. You smiled up at him as he looked into your eyes.

But something was wrong.

In a sudden twist of events your eyes widened, and your facial features turned into one of despair.

It was only now that Rex realized what had happened, he registered the sound of an arrow being shot.

"NO!" He yelled as you immediately dropped, the book once in your grasp tumbling onto the dirt. Rex tried his best to keep you from falling too harshly, but in a sudden attempt to get revenge he pulled out his blaster and shot at the Nightsister who had struck you with an arrow.

After two misses, the third blaster shot finally hit the Nightsister. Anakin had equally ran out to defend you and Rex after hearing him scream.

"Get her on board!" Anakin yelled, but Rex was already on top of it. As Anakin defended you and Rex, he noticed the book you'd dropped so he levitated it with one hand while using his lightsaber to defend with the other. He tossed the book on board before retreating himself.

Rex had carried you to the medical room of the ship and set you down. "Rex..." You called weakly. He looked at you with worry. "Rex..." You gasped again, clearly disoriented and in pain. "It's okay darling, I've got you. I've got you. Don't die on me okay? You can't. Not yet. You have to be here for Delilah. For your mom. For me! Please, my beautiful Y/N, please don't leave me." Rex said as he held your hand which was growing weaker with each passing moment. The medical droid began setting you up on life support as your consciousness faded.

"I love you darling, and you're going to wake up again to tell me that you love me too okay?" He said, the last sentence you heard was that one before you completely closed your eyes. Rex put his head down to rest on your hand which was completely limp now. Tears streamed down his face as he gripped your hand tightly. "Y/N, please." He begged.

Anakin had to painstakingly remove Rex from the room so the medical droids could aid you as best as they could. "Rex calm down, it's okay. It'll be okay." Anakin tried to calm Rex down, hoping he'd coax Rex into a calmer state.

But Rex couldn't hear anything, only the thoughts of you were running through his head.

But Anakin knew to be patient with Rex. He knew that if the same thing happened to Padmé, he may be feeling the same emotions now just as Rex was.

Rex sat down and stared at the ground, Anakin tried talking to him but Rex could only hear ringing in his ears.

"I could have saved her. I could have led her on the ship instead of greeting her outside where it was unsafe. I could have-" He began, a few minutes after he'd been staring off into space.

"Rex, stop it. None of us knew, and it is especially not your fault." Anakin said as he stood up. Anakin was aware of how this may be breaking Rex from the inside out, but he knew that he had to keep Rex calm so he could proceed to Coruscant in an orderly manner.

Rex looked up at Anakin just before the medical droid stepped out of the room. "She is stabilized for now. But she will need immediate medical attention once we arrive to Coruscant. I'm uncertain of the amount of damage the laser arrow caused, there is a chance it missed her vital organs. However, she'll need to be examined further on Coruscant to make the final deduction." He explained and Rex placed his head in his hands.

Rex couldn't help but feel completely at fault for your injuries.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now