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You were nice and comfortable the next morning. You were laying on top of Rex in your cot, his breathing was steady as he slept. Your eyes fluttered open lazily as the sun from outside was illuminating the inside.

You moved your head upwards to see Rex's eyes flutter open. "Good morning beautiful." He mumbled, his morning voice was deep and gruff. Your heart fluttered as he complimented you and you smiled. "Sleep well?" You asked and a small grin spread across his features. "Probably the best I've slept in a long time." He admitted

You gave him a light kiss on his bare chest and began getting up. Rex grumbled sleepily, "A few more minutes, please?" He asked and you shook your head, "While we rest the enemy keeps going. But I'm sure after this is all over, we will both have time to rest." You said as you changed your clothing.

"I think we'll have some time to rest when we get to Coruscant." Rex said. This made you freeze for a moment. You'd nearly forgotten you'd be traveling to Coruscant. You felt hands gently placed on your sides. "You need to relax, I'll be with you the whole time." He said in a soothing tone. He turned you around and you looked up into his brown eyes, you smiled as he looked down at you with his own smile.

"Okay, if you say so." You sighed as you put your hands on his now clothed chest. Rex pulled you in closer, so you were now pressing against him. "I know so, you have nothing to worry about being on Coruscant." He reassured.

Rex then leaned down and tilted his head to the side slightly. You met him in the middle and gently pressed your lips on his. Rex's grip on your waist tightened a little as he kissed you back and you brought your arms up so they'd wrap around his neck. You both parted for air and as he fluttered open his eyes he whispered, "I'd never let anything happen to you."

You found Delilah not soon after leaving your tent, she brought you up a wooden bowl. "Here Y/N! Manny made some oatmeal and I brought you some." You smiled down at Delilah, a flower crown was placed lopsided on top of her small head. "Thank you, Delilah! I really appreciate it." You remarked gleefully.

You took the bowl from her small hands and ate it as you sat next to her. Of which afterward you both went up to Manny and thanked him, and proceeded to clean dishes together. But Rex walked up to you, seemingly stiff, his hands were balled up into fists. "Y/N, I need to talk to you." He said and you grabbed a rag that was set off to the side to dry your hands. You noticed Rex's voice was stern yet uncertain. You thanked Delilah for her help and kindly asked her to finish the dishes as you had to go help Rex which she politely accepted.

You followed Rex off to a sideline and he took off his helmet. "It's Harper, she escaped sometime in the night. Two of my men went to trade in for guard duty and she was gone." He said and your eyebrows furrowed. "Gone? What about the men who were watching her?" You asked with your arms folded. "Only knocked unconscious, but they can't recall how she even escaped." He said and you shook your head disapprovingly. "Will she have binders on her wrists like before?" You asked and Rex shook his head. "I don't think she did it by herself. I noticed two sets of footprints in some nearby dirt, not to mention her binders are still inside the hold. Someone came to our campsite and released her, or at least someone here helped her." He said and you turned your head to look at Manny. "I think I know who could have helped her."

By the time you entered the tent that had been temporarily turned into an investigation room, Manny had been sitting there for well over a few minutes. He was clearly uncomfortable and definitely hiding something.

You sat in front of Manny, Rex stood at your side, hand on his holstered blaster just in case he'd have to take swift action. "Where were you last night?" You asked and Manny looked at you, "In my tent sleeping. Why? What's this all about?" He asked. But it was all too unconvincing. "Are you sure? Because your tent-mate said you were gone for quite some time in the middle of the night." You said, this fact being true as you had checked with Manny's tent-mate. You saw Manny bite the inside of his cheek as he avoided your gaze for a moment only to bring it back up to yours.

"Tell us the truth, Manny. What happened to Harper?" You leaned in ever so slightly, not tearing your gaze off of him. "O-Okay! I did help Harper escape. But she knocked out the guards!" He confessed and you sighed while shaking your head. "Manny... Why?" You questioned. The disappointment was clear in your tone.

"B-Because she has blackmail on me. She told me if I didn't help her bail, she'd tell everyone." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows. "What blackmail? What did you do?" You asked even more curious this time. "N-Nothing I swear! It's- well. She figured out I'm... Well, she figured out I'm gay, and I didn't want her to tell anyone because I'm afraid of my parents finding out." He said and you turned your head to the side with an empathetic expression on your face. You placed your hand on Manny's.

He looked up at you somewhat stunned at your reaction. "We won't tell anyone, okay? Rex won't put you in cuffs because Harper did something illegal that manipulated you. Thank you for telling us the truth." You said as you smiled sympathetically. 

Manny stood up and so did you, he hugged you immediately and began crying onto your shoulder. You rubbed his back soothingly as he wept. "You're okay Manny, no one will say anything, and when we catch Harper we'll make sure she doesn't say anything either." You reassured him. As you both pulled away you smiled, "And no one will judge you for who you love Manny. We love you, and you're a great help and a very hard working person." You said to which he smiled as he wiped his tears away.

And you'd keep to those words.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now