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You and Rex helped Ahsoka get to a planet where she would aid Saw Gerrera for some time.

After that, you and Rex returned to your home planet during one night.

Your mother aided you with supplies, but explained it would be best if no one knew of your return, not even Delilah.

Your mother explained how she and your father had built a cabin long before you were born out in the woods down south. She gave you the location and even a holo transmitter in case of emergencies along with many other essentials.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to work on it. I'm sure it's been pretty beaten up after many years of no care." She said and you smiled.

You then pulled something out of your pocket, it was the crystal wrapped in the hide.

"What happened on the Venator I can't explain. But I think Delilah would like to have this, to remember me by." You said as you handed it to her. Your mother smiled as she took the crystal from your hands.

"I'll tell her you sent it here, for her." She said and you smiled as you nodded.

"Thank you mom, for everything." You said and she smiled before she hugged you.

Rex and yourself journeyed to the said cabin, your mother was right when she said it was fairly beaten up.

"Nothing we can't fix." Rex said hopefully. You looked at him and smiled as you held his hand tightly.

"We'll find other like us, right? Defectors?" You asked as you looked at him. "I felt... Many people die. Many Jedi." You said sadly as you looked at the ground.

Rex looked at you worriedly. "Do you know if General Skywalker...?" He said, you knew what he meant without him having to ask.

"I don't think so. But I can't say for certain anymore. I won't be able to help as much as I did-" You began but Rex hugged you suddenly. "Don't ever doubt yourself. Not after what you did for me on that Venator." He said as he tightened his grip slightly on you.

You were shocked, but you hugged him back within the next moment.

"We'll find others like us. And we're going to get answers. I know it." Rex said as he let you go.

"For now though, let's start here and work our way back out into the galaxy again."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now