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"I love you, mom."

"I know."

You sat aboard a small shuttle cradling Delilah. Your last moments with your mother kept replaying in your head. You sighed as you watched the stars seemingly float around aimlessly. The shuttle you were on was the same shuttle Rex had arrived on.

The shuttle was currently docked at a Republic cruiser, General Kenobi and Rex were aboard the cruiser while you, Delilah, Fives, and Jesse were still sitting on the shuttle.

You'd been quiet the entire time, not only to let Delilah sleep but because you were deep in your own thoughts. You heard a blast door open and then Rex walked in. He smiled and you gently set down Delilah on the cot you'd been sitting on. She did stir slightly but stayed laying peacefully moments after you set her down. 

You followed Rex out of the sleeping quarters and into one of the main hallways of the shuttle. "How is she doing?" He asked and you leaned up against a nearby wall with your arms crossed. "She's exhausted mentally. I don't blame her though." You said as you looked down at your feet. Rex came closer to you and gently placed his hands on either side of your arms.

"You shouldn't blame yourself either." He said softly and you shrugged, "I just wish I could do more." You said quietly with a sad smile. 

The blast door then opened and you saw General Kenobi step in just as Rex swiftly stepped away. You stayed against the wall unmoving.

"Unfortunately I can't escort you and your younger sister with Rex as duty calls. But I can assure you the other three will continue onwards with you. I hope to see you again someday Miss Y/L. May the force be with you." He said and you nodded as you waved. 

Jesse walked in and looked at Rex, "Are we ready for departure?" He asked and Rex nodded, "We'll be leaving without the General but he gave orders to continue to Coruscant." Rex said and Jesse hummed in response before leaving the room to the cockpit.

"Cm'on let's go get some rest while we can. I'm sure the men will wake us up once we arrive." He said as he outstretched his hand to you. You gently took it and you both entered the sleeping quarters.

You woke up to a small bump, you were laying on the cot but without Rex. You sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes while yawning. You stood up and looked in the cot where Delilah had been sleeping only to find her missing. You left the room and decided to look for her, the hallways of the ship were empty so you decided to go to the cockpit. The two clones that were operating the ship sat idly in their seats.

"Hello, do you know where Delilah is? Or Rex?" You asked as you looked at them. You looked back up at the windshield watching the blues and whites of hyperspace swirl around the outsides of the ship. 

After no response, you furrowed your eyebrows and asked again, "Uh- excuse me-" You placed a hand on the pilot of the ship and suddenly he grabbed your wrist. The other pilot turned and took off his helmet, it was a droid. "Eliminate the target." One of them said as the one who had grabbed you shoved you to the ground.

You looked around for any weapons, anything that could even be used as a weapon. There was nothing to save you, no one to help you. "Eliminate the target." They both repeated at the same time before one of them shot you in the abdomen after grabbing the blaster off its hilt. 

You suddenly opened your eyes with a gasp only to find you were back in the sleeping quarters. You looked over to see Delilah sleeping peacefully in one of the cots, although, Rex wasn't anywhere to be seen. Your breathing was uneasy and fast. You could feel your heart racing and it was only now that you'd realized you had a hand over where you'd been shot in your nightmare.

You gulped as you stood up, your legs were slightly shaking most likely from the adrenaline rush. You walked out of the quarters to find Rex with his arms folded. "I need you to keep trying the coms. See if anyone will answer." He said as he ordered one of the pilots. "What's going on?" You asked and Rex turned to you, "We've stopped for refueling at one of the Republic stations a few systems from Coruscant but no one is answering our request to dock. Current Republic information shows the station still up and running, there's only a single medical ship docked here as well, even their frequency is shut off. But that's not technically abnormal for a ship that's been docked since the crew might be aboard the station." Rex explained, an uneasy look rested on his face as he seemed to look off into the distance like he was in thought.

The door to the cockpit opened again and the same pilot approached Rex. "Sir, we've received permission to dock." He said and Rex turned to him, "Any reason why their response was so delayed?" Rex asked but the pilot shook his head. "Very well then, proceed docking procedures." He ordered and the pilot turned around and returned to the cockpit. 

"Something is off." He said and you nodded, "I think we should leave the pilots and Delilah on board, fueling shouldn't take too long, right?" You asked and Rex shook his head, "It won't take too long, we'll just get enough to get to Coruscant." He said and you hummed in response. 

Once the ship boarded you followed Rex onto the station. "What's up with the lights?" You asked as only every now and then a single light was on to dimly illuminate the hallways. "It's not up to standard. Whoever is in command of this station is definitely going to get written up for it." He said and you raised your eyebrows.

"Hello?!" Rex called out. "Why is it so empty?" You quietly questioned as you tried to peer into a dark room. "Something's not right here." Rex said as he sighed. "You said that earlier. Should I be worried?" You asked and Rex shook his head. "No it should be fine, this station isn't often used anyway.

You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and screamed, you turned around and clocked whatever had grabbed you right in the face. "AGH!" You heard and when you opened your eyes you saw Jesse. "Oh, maker! I'm so sorry Jesse!" You apologized as you helped him up off of the ground. "No worries, I guess maybe I shouldn't have scared you like that. Although, it was pretty funny." He chuckled. "Where's Fives?" Rex asked as Jesse rubbed his recently punched cheek. "Aboard the ship, he wanted to sleep." He said and Rex rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind then. Let's just get to command, have them fuel up our ship, and get out."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now