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"What did Obi-Wan say?" You asked as Rex and Bo Katan exited the throne room. "He confirmed Count Dooku's death. Although, we've learned something new about this Darth Sidious that Ahsoka spoke about." Rex said. Bo Katan walked past both of you to two of her Mandalorian allies.

"And?" You asked quietly, eyeing your surroundings slightly. "Apparently he's orchestrated the clone wars from the beginning, and even playing both sides." Rex whispered and you raised your eyebrows. "How is this possible?" You asked in shock. Rex shook his head, "I don't know, but I don't believe it even myself." He sighed.

Suddenly two clone troopers ran up the steps to the entrance of the throne room. "There's been an attack!" One of them exclaimed, slightly out of breath. You looked back at Rex, "I'll notify Ahsoka. You and Bo Katan get over there." He said and you nodded.

You followed one clone trooper back to the scene where over a dozen clone troopers lay lifeless.

Your heart broke for these men, fighting so valiantly to come to such a grousome end. Finally Rex and Ahsoka arrived. Ahsoka then approached another clone.

"We have to end this quickly." Rex said as you looked at Rex sadly. You saw the despair in his eyes as he looked around at his fallen brothers.

You took a step closer to Rex and gently placed your hand on the side of his face, it being exposed as he kept his helmet pressed against his hip. "And we will." You said quietly, trying to draw his attention away from the scene. "But we need to play this smart. Let's not fall into his hands by playing his game." You said and he fluttered his eyes shut as he leaned his head against your hand. His lips still formed into a frown as his eyebrows were curved into a worried expression.

You gently let your hand fall back to your side as his eyes opened. "They've taken Jesse." Ahsoka said as she approached you and Rex. "What?" You asked as you raised your eyebrows. "He was taken alive, but it's hard to say now if he still is." Ahsoka said and you sighed.

"We need to go to the Prime Minister's cell and figure out what Maul's plan is." Bo Katan interjected. "But Jesse-" Rex began. "We'll be running into a trap if we go after Jesse. If we can figure out what Maul is up to, we may be able to work around his plan and save Jesse." Bo Katan said, cutting off Rex.

"I can stay here while the three of you speak with the prime minister." You said and Rex looked at you. "If anything else comes to light, I can notify you." You explained.

"That is probably for the best." Ahsoka said as she began to walk, "We should get going." She said and Bo Katan followed.

"Promise me you'll-" Rex began and you smiled up at him, "I promise I'll stay safe. It's going to be okay." You said and Rex sighed as he shook his head with a slight smile at you finishing his sentence.

Rex then leaned down and kisses you lightly yet passionately. He placed his free hand on your waist and gripped it firmly before pulling away. "For good luck darling." He said as you looked up at him, slightly breathless. "R-Right." You stuttered just before he walked away while putting on his helmet.

Now you had to compose yourself as you stood guard at the pipes.

You sighed sadly as you looked into the pipes where it seemed they never ended. You thought about Jesse, your heart broke for him.

You decided to take a seat and try to see for yourself if Jesse was alright. You closed your eyes and concentrated as hard as you could. You searched even for the slightest sign that Jesse was still alive. And when you saw him, being held by two Mandalorians in red, you sighed a breath of relief. You attempted to locate him, but it was all being blocked somehow. When you opened your eyes again you stood up and walked over to one of the clones.

"Jesse is still alive." You said and he turned to look at you. "R-Really? How do you know?" He asked and you bit your lip, "I just-" You began, but you heard the elevator behind you stop. You turned around to see Rex and he took off his helmet as he approached you. "One of Maul's Mandalorians assassinated the prime minister while we were trying to get information out of him." He said as he sighed.

"So what now?" You asked as you raised your eyebrows. "We're going to move all of the civilians to a sheltered area because of how unpredictable the circumstances have become. Although I don't quite agree with my men becoming the new authorities of Mandalore." He said as he folded his arms.

"Well good news is, Jesse is still alive." You said with a smile, Rex raised his eyebrows. "Wha- Really? How do you know?" He asked as he stiffened. "I saw it in a vision. Maul was speaking to him as his puppets kept hold of him. I'm not sure what they were talking about unfortunately." You sighed.

"Either way, it's good to know he's alive. Thank you for letting me know." He said with a smile and you nodded. "Let's meet up with Ahsoka and Bo Katan to plan a new course of action. I'll have some more men come down here to guard." He said and you nodded.

You followed Rex up to the balcony of the throne room where you met up with Ahsoka and Bo Katan.

"This occupation cannot continue much longer. The people will not stand for it." She said as the four of you began to walk into the throne room.

"You wanted the help of the Republic. My men don't like acting like a police force." Rex said, but Bo Katan stayed silent at his comment.

"The Republic will leave once we have captured Maul. Then you will have your opportunity to lead." Ahsoka said as you all entered the throne room.

"I agree."

You all looked over to see Maul sitting on the throne casually. His menacing stare did not falter. Next to him was Jesse sitting on the ground with binders on his wrists.

Bo Katan wasted no time pulling out her blasters and shooting at Maul. But he used the Force to move the blaster shots away from his direction.

Maul pulled the blasters out of her hands and held her in place with the force. "My lady, is that any way to treat your rightful ruler?" He growled.

You pulled out your beskar staff and Rex drew his own weapons. He then dropped Bo Katan and you all ran over to her to see if she was alright.

"And now, as a show of good faith I will release your comrade in arms to you." Maul said as he undid Jesse's binders using the force.

Jesse got up and stumbled over to the four of you. "I-I'm sorry... I couldn't help it. I told him everything." He admitted shamefully.

"It's alright Jesse. Rex, Y/N, get him out of here." Ahsoka said as she looked at the both of you. You nodded and helped Jesse out of the throne room. Just as you did explosions erupted in the sky.

"Get him to a medic, I'll deal with this." Rex said and you looked at him worriedly. "I'll be okay." He said and you sighed with a nod.

"I-I don't know how he did it. He looked through my mind and..." Jesse began but only trailed off with a sigh. "I know that without him using the dark side of the force, you wouldn't have let anything slip. It's not your fault Jesse." You reassured him as you helped him away from the chaos and behind the front lines.

Once you got him to a medic you ran off to help Rex and hoped to the maker he was still alright.

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