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Sneaking around wasn't the quickest way to take back your village, you even were growing impatient just by staying low to the ground and ever so slowly working your way to the other side of the village. 

Once you made it through, it had barely begun to rain, making the terrain slicker than you would have liked. "Captain, I've made it to the south side of the village." You whispered into your comlink. "Three droids patrolling, two keeping an eye on the civilians, the rest are at the front waiting for your move." You informed him.

"Well done, do you see anything else?" He asked and you scanned over the village once more. "Two droids guarding the entrance to the church here. I'm guessing they're keeping the Separatist leader in there." You noted. 

"And the explosives?" Rex asked, you sighed looking around. "They're everywhere. But I can try to disarm them without their notice." You said and you could hear hesitance in Rex's voice but he knew you were going to go through with this no matter what.

"Alright then, we'll continue to be a distraction." He finally said after a moment of silence.

Blaster fire erupted once more in the distance. You took this time to sneak right into the village and to the closest explosive. It was a massive one too. Four tanks of liquid, two sheets of metal on the top and bottom. Then a keypad with the words 'stand by' shown along with numbers and other symbols just below it. You carefully unscrewed the front panel to reveal plenty of colorful wires. You'd never imagined you'd have to do this, but you were glad you took the time to study up on something like this last year even to the dismay of your mother.

You disconnected the wires in the appropriate order, you then saw the screen switch to a 'disabled' before it went blank. You sighed in relief as you moved on to the next explosive.

You couldn't even explain how nerve-wracking the whole process was. It became even worse when you realized you couldn't get the explosives at the front of the town. "Captain Rex, come in." You whispered into your comlink. 

"Y/N is everything alright?" He asked clearly concerned. "I've managed to defuse the majority of the bombs. But there are two at the entrance I can't get to without being seen." You explained. "Can you find the Separatist leader? You may be able to deactivate the droids if you can find-" Your attention was cut off when you heard a branch snap behind you. You took your beskar spear out from its holding place and deflected an incoming attack.

A woman grunted and bounced off of the spear, pushing you to the ground. "You aren't as sneaky as you think you are." Her low guttural voice called out. She removed her hood and stood up straight. It was the woman from your vision, that would mean-

She then pulled out two lightsabers and ignited them. The red beams illuminated in the rain, seemingly creating a red mist around them.

"I managed to avoid your attention for long enough." You replied as you braced yourself for another attack.

She bolted towards you and swung her lightsabers full force at you. You used the spear to counter the attack. Her eyes widened, realizing you had a beskar spear. You took this moment to shove her and attack her again. She equally countered your attack with her own.

You were able to hit her with blunt force using the dull side of the spear on her jaw. She fell over, rolled, and got back up. You could clearly see a small cut you'd made where you'd hit her. "You'll never win. We've got an entire fleet here compared to your small task force." She snapped and you shook your head. "Your droids are nothing but near pieces of scrap. It doesn't take much to kill one." You commented. With a deep growl, she charged at you again. You dodged, and then kicked her leg out from underneath her, causing her to fall over and drop her lightsabers. 

You pointed the sharp end of the spear at her neck. "It's over for you. Give up and call off this attack." You ordered and she sneered at you. Little did you know she pressed a small button located on her hip. An explosion from the front caused you to fly forward and over the Separatist leader. You flew right into a building and through the window, causing the glass to shatter. You tumbled on the wooden floor that was covered in broken glass, causing plenty of cuts on exposed skin. 

You lied there, motionless, breathless. With little energy, you rolled over. Your ears were ringing and you still weren't able to regain steady breathing. You groaned as lied there. Your vision was slightly blurry, but as you stayed still you could tell your hearing was returning. Static from your comlink kept coming in and out, a faint voice kept yelling your name but that was all you could decipher. 

The second thing you noticed was the smell of smoke in the air. The moment you were able to take a solid breath you sat up. You lifted your arm and spoke into the comlink. "Rex." You coughed out. You didn't receive any response. 

You stood and grabbed your beskar spear that had rolled only a few feet away. As you walked out of the home you'd crashed in to you saw the whole village was ablaze. Your eyes widened as tears welled in your eyes. All this for your home to be burnt to the ground?

As you walked out into the center where the fire was the worst, you noticed some were unconscious. You helped them up and showed them where others had evacuated. Then you saw your mother and father. Your father was laying on the ground, too injured to get up and walk away. 

As you rushed over to them, tears fell from your eyes, your lungs were filling with smoke and your limbs were aching and cut. You knelt down beside your father. Your mother hugged you, even if it did hurt you held her.

Your father's eyes opened and he first looked at you, and then your mother. "We have to go." You said and his eyes were clearly filled with sadness. "I won't make it." He said and you shook your head. "You can make it, I know you can." You said, even your mother encouraged him to get up, but he couldn't. The side of his head was badly bleeding, and you even saw a piece of scrap metal had impaled the left side of his abdomen.

"Get your mother out of here." He said weakly. "We won't leave without you." He said and he turned his head ever so slightly. "Go. Save your mother. Take care of Delilah. I'm counting on you." He muttered as he lifted his right hand slowly, and took your own hand. "I love you."

You were then being pulled up by clone troopers, though at the time you hadn't noticed because you were reaching out for your father, screaming for him to go with you. But you knew he wouldn't make it. 

You knew because you saw the light leave his eyes.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now