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You woke up fairly early the next morning. The sun was just barely rising so you decided to cook up breakfast for everyone. Be it a little difficult for nearly over a hundred people, it was worth it. The smiles on everyone's faces brought you joy. Every single person thanked you personally for the breakfast. Except for Harper.

While you didn't take the small act personally, you couldn't get over why she had such an attitude towards you. Never in your life had you done anything to wrong her, not even as kids. But she acts as if you'd killed her dog.

"If I knew you could cook this good I'd have had you cook all the time," Rex said from behind you. You smiled, "If you make me cook all the time I'm going to be mad." You said and Rex laughed. "Alright fine. Only sometimes." He said as he nudged you.

"Captain." You and Rex both turned around to see Harper. "May I speak to you, alone for a moment?" She asked, which Rex then turned his head at you for a moment and then back at Harper. Rex cleared his throat and he then nodded. "Yes ma'am." He said as she walked away with Rex.

You didn't know what it was about that moment, but you felt a hint of jealousy. You didn't know why, so you tried to push the feeling as far down into the pit of your stomach as you could.

You had your sister help you clean up the hand-carved bowls and spoons. "Y/N?" She asked as she rinsed off a spoon. "Hm?" You hummed in response. "Do you think mommy and daddy are okay?" She asked and you looked at her. "Of course, Delilah." You said softly, but lying right through your teeth. You couldn't break her heart in the fact that maybe your parents weren't alright.

"Do you think the captain will save them?" She asked and you nodded. "Of course he will. He's very smart and brave. And you know who else is?" You asked as you looked at her. "Who?" Delilah asked, anticipating your answer. "You!" You smiled as you bopped her gently on the head with your wet rag and she giggled.

Little did you know, Rex had hardly been paying attention to what it was Harper was saying, but watching you from a distance. Of course, Harper couldn't tell because of his helmet. He was absolutely loving the way you interacted with your younger sister, and how you lit up as you spoke to her.

Had he ever felt this certain way towards another? He wasn't sure. But he knew whatever it was he was feeling was something positive and uplifting. "Will that be okay?" Harper asked and Rex looked down at her. He hadn't even heard what she asked. He'd been focused on something else.

"You know, me training in the same way Y/N is." Harper stepped closer and gently dragged her finger on the chest plate of Rex's armor. "I feel like you would just be a really good mentor, and I would do much better with you teaching me." She said. Rex knew what she was doing, but he was so flustered he didn't know what to do.

"Ye-yeah I'm sure I could work something out," Rex said, just trying to get away from her. "Perfect! I'll see you later then Rexie!" She said as she cheerfully walked away. Rex repulsed when she gave him the nickname. Just then he heard chuckles behind him and he balled his fists as his face grew red when he saw his brothers behind him laughing at him. "Get back to your stations!" He ordered and they walked off while laughing still.

"Are we getting to training or are you too busy flirting, Captain?" He heard another familiar voice behind him. He turned around to see you standing there with your arms folded and an unamused look on your face. "No I wasn't-" He began and you shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, Harper is a pretty girl. But I would also like to help my parents. But take your time I guess. I'll see you on the training field." You said and you turned around, walking away without letting Rex get out another word.

While Rex felt guilty and shameful, you were feeling sad and angry. Harper had everything, and yet the one chance that maybe someone you like, could maybe feel the same, and she takes that too.

But it was going to have to be like Manny. You were going to have to forget about it. You grabbed one of the training staffs, each side dull but weighed evenly on each side. You stepped up to the wooden-ed carved dummy and stanced up. The staff was parallel to your arm. You focused on the statue before you. You slowed your breathing, rid all your thoughts, and only focused on the moments before you.

You immediately began your attack. You swung the staff right into the side then twirled and hit the other side but on the neck of the dummy. You hit it over and over again. You launched yourself into the air and kicked the head. You heard the wooden head snap off and you fell back, the staff parallel to your arm once more.

"Impressive." You heard a voice from behind you. You turned around to see Rex behind you, helmet on, armor on, arms folded. Unfortunately, Harper stood next to him. "It takes patience and practice." You replied as you pressed the staff on the ground. "Harper will be joining our training sessions." Rex said and Harper gave you a smug look behind his back. "Lovely." You muttered sarcastically.

"We'll begin by basic fighting formations." Rex said. Harper picked up a staff, you could see she was holding it awkwardly, but Rex hadn't noticed this. You were frustrated because you already were familiar with all of the basics. Harper was just slowing you down. She should have been in a different tier of training, not yours.

You practiced the basic moves Rex had performed, and this time, it seemed quite obvious Harper was trying on purpose to fail at this. Rex of course helped her.

After the small warm-up, Rex ordered a simple duel between you two with the staff. You decided to go easy, since you clearly knew she wouldn't have been able to knock you down, let alone fight you with her own bare fists.

Unbeknownst to you, she hit your staff out of your hands harder than expected, like she was trying to hurt you. She then whacked you straight across the face harshly. You fell onto the grass with a thud. You were lucky she didn't break your jaw, but she definitely dazed you. 

You heard Rex's footsteps and you felt hands on your arms. You lifted a hand. "I-I'm okay." You said and Rex let go of you. You stood up again, your head spun, but you kept your balance. You picked up your staff again and then blinked a few times to clear the fuzz from your vision. 

Rex started the match once more, you wouldn't go easy this time. You immediately countered the blow Harper took at you. You then twisted the staff in a certain way so it flew out of her hands and you caught it. You twirled the staffs in your hands before planting them in the ground, just to show off a little. 

"Once more. Final round." Rex ordered and you tossed Harper her staff. You turned around to walk a few paces away. But before Rex had even started she charged for you. Of course, you weren't ready, but as soon as you heard her running towards you, you turned around and blocked yourself with your own staff. Her own staff came down and clashed with yours.

You pushed her off and she stumbled backward. You ran towards her and jumped into the air, bringing your staff down with you. Your feet landed on her shoulders and you launched yourself off of them and flipped backward, making her fall over. You pointed one end of the staff at her, your chest heaving.

"Both of you need to knock this off. You are both fighting for the same thing, and on the same side." Rex said as he approached both of you. You set your staff down to the side and looked at Harper. She seemed flustered and embarrassed. You held out your hand, as one last act of humanity to her. But of course, she slapped your hand away and stood up.

She charged off, steam practically coming out of her ears. "Are you alright?" Rex asked as he approached you. "Nothing that won't heal with time." You stated as you picked up the staffs and the wooden head from the dummy. "I don't know why she would-" Rex began and you looked at him, "Because you don't know her Rex. She gets what she wants when she wants it." You explained as you shoved the items into his chest and he grabbed them. "It doesn't matter who's side she's on." You added before you walked off.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now