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You couldn't sleep, even before you were supposed to take night watch. While normally you'd like to take the first shift, you knew Rex would be taking that shift. So because of this information, you decided to take the second part of night watch. You checked the time using a comlink that everyone was given.

It was nearly your turn, so you got up, got dressed, put up your hair, and left your tent. It was much darker tonight since both of the moons were at the 'new moon' stage, providing no light onto the planet.

You walked up onto the top of the hill to see Fives, you smiled sleepily. Fives already had his helmet off and a hot drink in his hands. "Made myself some bone broth if you don't mind." He said and you shook your head. "Not at all, I'm glad you're eating and drinking." You said as he took another slurp.

"You look like you didn't rest well." He said and you shrugged, "I have a lot on my mind." You admitted as you sat next to Fives. He scoots over and you rested your back against the same tree trunk he was resting on. Definitely a large tree.

"What's bothering you, Tiny?" He asked as he looked out onto the vast landscape. You rest your head on the trunk and blinked your eyes a few times to try and wake up more. "It's just... I don't know. You know when someone gets everything they've wanted their whole life? And they step on others to get what they want, including yourself?" You asked, twiddling with a piece of grass in your fingers. "I mean, I thought I was over it you know. What they did, and everything was in the past. Then this all happened, and it was a new experience for everyone. Of course, this camping lifestyle isn't new for us farmers, but it still changed some of us a little. But not that one person." You said, still being somewhat vague. "Are you talking about Harper?" He asked and you looked at him, surprised.

"How did you know?" You questioned. Fives shrugged, "I see the way you two are around one another. I see how she is. But no matter what, you have to remember that she's on your side. On our side. The side that's going to help your parents, your village." He said and you nodded.

A small rumble began to shake the planet's crust, however, this didn't phase you. But Fives became alert immediately. He grabbed his scopes and began to adjust them to see what was going on. You put a hand lightly on his shoulder. "Don't worry FIves. They're just orbaks." You informed and Fives immediately relaxed. "We have an orbak at home. We saved him when he was a baby, and from there on out wouldn't stop following us. We named him Bandit." You said with a smile. "Bandit?" Fives chuckled, "Who named him that?" He questioned. "Delilah did. We could not convince her of another name. I'm not sure why." You said and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Fives grinning.

Night watch went by quick, following the end of your watch, Fives walked down the hill with you and back to camp. Walking back down to camp, you noticed your tent you shared with another girl wide open. You walked in, your eyebrows furrowed. Your entire side of the tent was completely destroyed, while the other girls were tidy and neat. But she was sitting on her cot, shivering. Now, it wasn't cold outside. In fact, it was quite hot outside. But this girl was shivering out of fear. You walked up to her. "What happened?" You asked, more worried for her than concerned about your items being all over the tent. "I-I don't know who it was. They came in early this morning and ruined everything of yours!" She said and she began crying. She was only about 13, of course, she wouldn't have done all of this to your items.

"A droid?" You asked and she shook her head as she wiped her tears. "N-No, one of our own. But she had a mask on. I couldn't see her face, I'm sorry." She wept. You rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'll get someone to watch the tent for us." You said. But in your mind, you had no doubt who it was that did this to your things, and who scared the poor girl. You got up out of your tent, Rex approached you. "Y/N, you were supposed to report for roll call-" He began but you pushed past him, "Sorry Rex but there are more important things I need to handle right now." You said as you stormed away, and over to Harper who was sitting with Manny, and flirting with him. Might you add that he looked quite uncomfortable.

When Harper noticed you, she was very quick to get up. Her face went immediately pale. You charged at her like a madden orbak. "Can I help-" She was beginning in a snarky tone, but you wasted no time getting to business and punching her right in the jaw. She immediately stumbled backward and then you felt someone grab your arms.

"That's enough!" You heard Rex's voice, you knew he was going to follow you. But he perhaps just didn't expect the punch to Harper's face you delivered. You were taken away to the other side of camp for questioning, along with Harper. "You're lucky that you're a good person Y/N. Otherwise, I would have kicked you out of this campsite so fast that even the fastest speeder bike would have trouble keeping up with you." Rex reprimanded. "Oh yeah? And what would you have done about it? If someone came and messed up one of your brothers' things and was going to get away with it? What have you done?" You asked angrily.

You noticed Rex's fist unclench and his shoulders loosen. "At least do it in private." He said with a sigh. You sighed and shook your head as a slight smile grew on your lips. "Is the girl okay? Harper didn't hurt her, right?" You asked as you looked up at Rex. "No, but nearly everything you owned was destroyed." He said and you shrugged. "Better those things than her." You said.

"We're having you moved into a different tent though. And you'll have to keep the location of your tent a secret." Rex said and you sighed. "So harper won't get into my stuff again?" You asked and Rex nodded. "Which tent?" You questioned as you kicked a few pebbles to the side on the ground.

"My tent."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now