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"Now! All of you are willingly volunteering to enter this war against your planet. Not only are you fighting for your village, but for your people, for your loved ones, for your beliefs. But most importantly, for everything you stand for as a person! Remember these values as you fight the Separatist droids." Rex's voice boomed loudly, reaching every individual's ears.

"But there will also be penalties if you decide to betray your comrades! Treason will result in prison for life, or possibly death. Lying will result in some prison time. Suspicious activity will result in an unwarranted search. Stealing will result in prison time." He explained.

"Now, I have brought CT-5555, otherwise known as Fives, to combat each of you. He will determine your skill level of fighting. We will separate you into groups depending on how well, or poorly you do on your first test. But not to worry, you'll all learn everything you need to in order to fight those clankers." Rex said determinedly.

Soon it was onto the fighting, you could tell how nervous some of the teens were, some overly confident. Some of your neighbors actually did fairly well, and as expected, some overly confident people were quick to fall.

"Y/N." You heard your name called and you looked up after internally stressing over what was to come.

You stepped up to Fives, he stanced up, and so did you. "Strike me whenever you're ready." He said. You smiled. "Don't be afraid to hit me back." You said and he chuckled. "Only when you can get a hit on me first, Tiny!" You then took your chance to swing while he was distracted. He blocked your move with his arm and tried to strike you, but you grabbed his fist and twisted it. His eyes widened and you gave him a strong headbutt. Sure it hurt your head, but it probably hurt his nose a lot worse as he tumbled back with watery eyes.

"Oh, Fives I'm sorry!" You exclaimed as you approached him. But then he used his leg to sweep your own. Instead of falling flat on your ass, however, you curved your back inwards, pressing your hands on the ground above your head, then launched yourself up. Fives brought another swing to you which you quickly moved your head out of the way and grabbed his forearm, where his vambrace was put in place. You twisted his arm behind his back, forcing him to the ground.

"And end!" Rex called out. You immediately let go of Fives. "Wow Tiny! Who knew." He said, laughing in a surprised manner. He nudged you as you walked off, chuckling along with him.

Soon the trials ended and Rex was now grouping individuals based on the skills they showed during the test. "...Oscar, Vorrera, and Jepper in the 2nd group. Echo will be your instructor." Rex said, of which afterward he dismissed everyone. The only problem was, he hadn't called your name, for any tier. You jogged up to Rex as he pressed a few things on his holo pad. "Excuse me, Captain- I mean, Rex.. sir, uhm. You didn't call my name for a group." You said, confused and slightly flustered as he turned his head.

"I did that on purpose, Y/N. Your skills outrank everyone here, you'd be way ahead in the highest group, but there are still some things you need to learn. Therefore, I'll be training you." He said and you gulped. "Oh." You muttered, your cheeks beginning to turn red at the thought. "Is that alright?" He asked and you quickly nodded. "Yes. Yes! Of course. Thank you." You said and he nodded. From a distance away you heard Delilah calling for you. Perfect timing.

"Sorry, I have to go- tomorrow is training right?" You asked to which Rex nodded. You smiled and then after a moment of lingering, you jogged off to your sister.

*   *   *

You sat up against a large tree that night. It was placed upon a hilltop, facing in the direction of your village. This spot had practically become the look-out spot for the night watch. You glanced up at the night time sky. The two moons were now two crescents, they mirrored each other, almost making them a broken circle.

You were waiting for your night watch partner now. Which was supposed to be Harper. You weren't very excited but hopefully, the night would go by fast. You heard footsteps behind you. The footsteps weren't intentionally trying to be quiet, but there was a familiar armored-clanking to them.

You furrowed your eyebrows, just as you did a figure appeared beside you. You tilted your head slightly to the left, at an angle so you could see the figure as your head rested against the large trunk of the tree.

"Rex?" You questioned. He took a seat in the grass next to you. "Harper complained about night watch. I decided to take her shift. She'll be doing night watch tomorrow night with Manny." He said and you shook your head with a smile. "I'm not surprised, to be honest." You admitted.

Rex reached up and took off his helmet. This was actually the first time you'd ever seen him without his helmet. You must have stared too long because he gave you a wondering look and he then asked, "What? Never seen a clone before?" He asked with a smirk. You tore your gaze away and rolled your eyes. "Not all of you are completely the same you know." You said and Rex airily laughed. "Well not everyone thinks that way. What makes you say that?" He asked and you shrugged. "I just can tell. You all have different personalities. And with that, some of you customize your armor a little different." You said and you looked back at him.

He had been watching you but he looked down at the ground and nodded, acknowledging your explanation.

You again turned your head away and looked up at the sky. "You ever been to a different system?" He asked and you shook your head. "I still have yet to even leave this planet." You said with a sigh. "You haven't ever left your home planet before? Not even for vacation?" He asked and you shrugged. "No, we can't afford things like that. My family, my village. We're all just farmers." You said and Rex stayed silent.

"You know, I'm sure some clones would also prefer that lifestyle. But we were born to fight, and to serve the Republic." He said and you tilted your head towards him. "Will you ever be able to leave the order?" You asked and Rex looked up at you, his brown eyes glowing under the moonlight.

"Well, they tell us after the war is over we have the option to leave. But I doubt that in my lifetime I'll go free." He admitted and you looked at him sadly. "That's not to say I don't have freedoms. When I go back to Coruscant after some missions, I get to go to the bar with some of my men. I get a nice bed, and the General treats us like family." He explained and you nodded.

"With this war though, none of us are really free. Not with having to be concerned about if the Separatists will ever try to take your planet or a neighboring planet." He said and you nodded. "Well, we're relieved you're here." You quickly said. Rex smiled, "Even if we're not a full task force?" He asked and you shook your head. "I think you guys are better than that. You've brought us hope. And I think you're more humane than that." You said and Rex grinned. "Well, you guys have definitely brought the rambunctious side out of my men." He said and you shook your head with a smile. "They definitely are a troublesome group." You said jokingly to which Rex laughed. Genuinely laughed.

"What about you?" You asked after his laughter died down. "How are you feeling about this mission?" You clarified. Rex's eyebrows furrowed for a moment. "I've never really been asked that. I usually just go in do what needs to be done and come out. Of course as least casualties as possible. But, I think... Well, it's definitely a new experience, having to teach people, other than clones, to fight." He laughed for a moment. "It was a surprise seeing you kick Five's ass today." Rex laughed as he shook his head and you grinned.

"It was even more fun actually doing it." You said and Rex chuckled and shrugged. "The guy had it comin' he'd complained the whole way here." He said and you rolled your eyes with a smile.

You definitely had to admit, you enjoyed Rex's company.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now