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"Perfect Y/N! That was amazing!" Rex called out, a few other clone troopers who had been watching ran over, cheering. You'd just perfectly shot 12 moving targets, right in the head. They all began patting you on the back, congratulating you, and cheering your name.

"Very impressive." Harper snarked at you. You adverted your eyes down to your gear, which you'd begun to pack up. "Thank you." You said, not giving much mind to her. Although, she seemed determined to keep your attention as she stepped closer. "If I was still training with Rex though, I would have been able to do the same, if not more." She cockily shot at you. You looked up with a raised eyebrow, "If you knew how to even hold a blaster right, that is." You shot back and you saw the look on her face turn from smug to angry in a split second.

Harper suddenly lunged at you, grabbing your throat and digging her nails into the skin, you tried to choke out a cry, but it came out a gargle. The air had been knocked out of you after you'd fallen hard onto the ground, and Harper was not giving up. Her grasp on your throat was tight and unrelenting. The vision in the corner of your eyes began going dark as you struggled, but not much could be done because of your lack of oxygen. Tunnel vision was next and ringing in your ears followed.

Suddenly you were able to breathe again, shouting ensued shortly after as you inhaled sharply and then exhaled a cough. Rex knelt next to you, "Y/N, are you alright?" He asked and you looked at him for a moment just to comprehend what he'd said. "Uh, y-yeah I'm okay." You said after a few more sputters of air.

Rex helped you up, two other clones had grabbed Harper by her arms. Rex looked right at Harper.

"Harper, after myself and many of my brothers have witnessed your acts upon Y/N. We reckon that immediate action is taken, calling for me to bring down judgment upon you before the courts may do so," He began. Harper now was looking up wide-eyed at him.

"Under the Galactic Republic, I, Rex of the 501st division for the Grand Army of the Republic, deem you, Harper, a traitor of the Galactic Republic. Therefore you are sentenced to confinement until an official court hearing or until sudden notice." He stated as if he were reading off of an official document.

"Y-You can't do this. She was- it wasn't my fault!" She tried to reason, but of course, there was nothing to argue over. She had no grounds to claim any misdoings you may have committed.

As Harper was being dragged off, Rex stepped in front of you. "Y/N," He said, grabbing your attention. You looked up into his dark visor. "Are you alright?" He asked as he looked down at you. You gulped, it hurting your now sore throat. "Nothing I can't handle." Your hoarse voice croaked. "I just think- I think I need to rest." You said and Rex nodded, he walked back with you to the tent and entered along with you.

"Have some water, Y/N." He said as he handed you a glass of water which you gratefully took. You sat down on your cot and drank the water. Rex sat down next to you on your own cot as well. He took off his helmet and looked at you after you'd finished drinking your water.

You handed him your now empty glass. "Thank you." You said and he nodded as he looked over at you after setting the glass down somewhere nearby.

He looked at you as if he were studying you. Rex looked down at your neck and then gently lifted his hand. Slowly he lifted it to your neck and gently placed his gloved fingertips on it. You winced, small sharp pains shot out from your neck. He quickly retracted his hand at your sudden reaction. "Is it bruised already?" You asked. Rex's eyes looked into your own. He gave you a sad nod.

His hand still hovered in the air for a moment before it lifted to the side of your face. Gently he pushed back a strand of hair behind your ear. Your face began burning up at his simple touches.

You could see he was nervous, his eyes were looking everywhere but your own, as if he were taking in every small detail of your face; memorizing it. 

His lips parted- just barely as his face seemingly inched closer to yours ever so slowly. You recognized what was happening, your heart somehow was racing faster. You could feel his gloved hand snake just behind your ear and followed the line of your jaw. You parted your lips as you got closer, and naturally shut your eyes.

His lips were softer than you'd imagined. Were they naturally like that? He was slow and steady as if you were glass that could shatter at any moment. Your lips felt perfect against his own, he was warm and he calmed you greatly.

Your hand traveled up his armored torso and to the nape of his neck, he pulled you in closer. Your body was now pressing against his own warm one just before he let go for air. You fluttered your eyes open to see his own looking into yours. "Is this okay?" He whispered and you smiled while nodding.

"It's more than okay."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now