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"Grievous has set out to attack Coruscant, it is vital  your forces arrive immediately Master Kenobi." Mace Windu said as he folded his arms. The holo transmission glitching out ever so slightly. "We'll be on our way immediately, Master Windu." Obi-Wan replied before the transmission ended.

You could see that Master Windu was still trying to contact someone. "Shaak Ti... Where are you?" Master Windu sighed after no response.

Then another flash, of the Chancellor, and who you assumed was Master Shaak Ti. "Chancellor, this way please. I've already received word that they've overrun the Coruscant guards. We'll have to evacuate." She warned him but he hesitated, "But the people-" He began but she placed a hand behind his back, "There's no time." She said with a worried expression covering her face.

You then woke up to a bright room. The subtle sound of a machine humming filled the background. "You're awake." You heard from your right and you looked over to find a nurse droid scanning you for your vitals.

"You were set in an induced coma to speed your healing process. I'm afraid you will be sore but you have recovered from your injuries." She said after setting down her scanner. "How long have I been asleep?" You asked dryly, barely able to get the sentence out because of how dry your mouth had become.

"Two weeks. I've been ordered to notify Captain Rex immediately when you've regained consciousness. Would you like visitors?" She asked and you nodded. Another droid handed you a glass of water, you sat up slowly and felt the ache from where you'd gotten hit. You grimaced at the pain but stayed sitting when you felt comfortable. You drank from the glass and within the next moment the blast door opened and you saw Rex.

He seemed to be in disbelief as he saw you, but he couldn't wait a moment longer before rushing to your side and engulfing you in a hug. "I-I'm so sorry." He whispered as he hugged you. It was as if you could feel his heartache. 

"Rex..." You began, the sadness in your voice causing Rex to hold you tighter. "It's not your fault." You whispered and he pulled away. A tear silently slid down his face and you wiped it with the pad of your thumb. "It's not your fault." You assured him once more. His eyes closed as his head leaned onto your hand. "I'm okay. I promise." You said and he opened his eyes again.

"What happened while I was asleep?" You asked after Rex sat down on the side of your bed. "Nothing interesting actually. I just returned from helping the General yet again. We succeeded in destroying another command droid." He said with a smile and you grinned. "Well, congratulations." You said and he chuckled slightly.

Rex's comlink then began to flash. He looked at you for a moment but you motioned to his comlink for him to answer it. He did hesitantly, not wanting to waste a single moment of your time. "Rex, this is Anakin. We've just received word that Ahsoka is returning. Prepare your men and meet me at the bridge for further instruction." He said before ending it without giving Rex a chance to talk.

He looked at you sadly but you swung your legs over. "I'll accompany you." You smiled and he turned his head curiously. "But your wound-" He began before you dismissed him with a wave of your hand, "It's only sore. Droid said I'm all healed up." You reassured him and he sighed, "There's no talking you out of anything." He groaned and you laughed.

Rex helped you up as you felt a little weaker in your legs because of the lack of walking for two weeks. It only took a few steps before you could walk on your own again without the strange tingling feeling in your legs.

Rex also showed you to your belongings that he'd stored in a nearby secure compartment. "The General said you had dropped this back on Dathomir. Was this why they were after you?" He asked after handing you the book Mother Talzin had handed you. You shook your head, "I don't know why they attacked us like that, but they wanted me to join the Nightsisters. Although, I'm not allowed to return to Dathomir because I'd left." You explained as you walked alongside Rex to the bridge of the Venator. "Well good thing you're not allowed to return because if you did I'd go with you and show those damn Nightsisters no mercy." He growled as he clenched his jaw, and kept his eyes forward.

"What else did you learn there?" Rex asked as he turned his head slightly to look at you. You looked down at the metal floor under your feet. "My real mother was a Nighsister, and my father was a member of the Republic." You said, remembering what you'd seen of them back on Dathomir. "But they died, I'm unsure of when though." You explained as you both neared the bridge.

"We can look in the Republic files once we return to Coruscant." Rex said and your eyes widened, "Wait Coruscant-" You said, but you were cut off when the blast doors open and Anakin immediately took Rex's attention. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down in thought. Your vision, you needed to inform someone.

"General Skywalker," You began, interrupting his conversation with Rex. "It is vital that I speak with you immediately." You said and he nodded slowly. "Rex, please go inform your men. I'll talk with Y/N here and then send her down to the hangar." He said and Rex nodded, he gave you one last glance before putting on his helmet and rushing off to wherever he was headed.

"What seems to be the issue?" Anakin asked as he folded his arms. "I'm afraid I've had another vision." You sighed and he turned his head. "It's about the Chancellor, I fear he may be in danger." You explained and Anakin immediately tensed up. 

"We should contact the council right away then." He said as he led you to a separate room. You then saw Obi-Wan Kenobi speaking with another clone. "Master, we need to speak to the council." Anakin interjected and Obi-Wan turned around. "What seems to be the matter?" Obi-Wan asked, concerned at his friend's distressed state.

"Y/N has had another vision, and it involves the Chancellor." He explained and Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows. He then walked up to the holo table and pressed a few buttons before the transmission was answered.

"Master Kenobi, and Master Skywalker. Perfect timing, we were just talking about your recent mission." Master Windu spoke up as he looked at you. "Master Windu, I'm afraid Y/N here has quite urgent news if you wouldn't mind her speaking up during this meeting." Obi-Wan said and you saw as Master Windu turned to look at Yoda. "Speak, she shall." Yoda said with a nod. You stepped up to the table and looked up at everyone who was patiently waiting for you.

"Just before I awoke from my coma, I had a small vision involving the Chancellor. Master Windu was actually the one contacting Master Kenobi of this incident, although I'm afraid that at some point in the near future, the Separatists may invade Coruscant. I'm unsure of their intentions but I did see Master Shaak Ti and Chancellor Palpatine trying to escape to safety. Although, it was such a short vision that I'm unsure of what may have happened." You explained and you watched as the once stoic faces of the Jedi turned to worry and uncertainty. 

"Do you know who may have been leading the attack on Coruscant... in your vision?" Master Windu asked, he seemed as if he didn't believe what you were saying. "If I remember correctly it was someone named Grievous." You said, trying to recall the name from your vision. Master Windu's eyebrows raised in surprise as he shared a look with Yoda.

"Further, may I look into this. You as well, Y/N. Learn more about this, may you try." Yoda spoke up as he looked at you. You nodded after stepping away from the table. Obi-Wan and Anakin finished discussing with the rest of the council as you decided to return back to your hospital room.

Thankfully no one was in the room, giving you the opportunity to concentrate after you'd sat down.

You closed your eyes as you sat comfortably, you slowed your breathing down as you tried to concentrate. 

Something slowly began to appear as you held your concentration. It was Coruscant, and the skies were clouded by war. Then Chancellor Palpatine appeared again. He was being led away by Shaak Ti.

You watched as the Chancellor seemed as if he was trying to delay for something, but you couldn't hear a word they were saying. Then, Shaak Ti and Palpatine were surrounded as a giant droid with lightsabers entered a narrow hallway along with the other droids he was leading. Shaak Ti attempted a fight but failed as she was then killed by the giant droid. Grievous. You saw Grievous kill her. But Palpatine was nowhere to be seen during this time.

You tried to concentrate, and figure out what may have happened, but the vision began to fade.

Sirens began to blare and you shot your eyes open and stood up. You ran out of the room, watching as clones ran by. "H-Hey! Excuse me, where is the hangar?" You asked, grabbing the attention of another clone.

"I'm headed there now, just follow me and try to keep up."

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