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Coruscant was much different than what you were expecting. To be honest, you weren't really sure what to expect. Sure you could say advanced and big. But this was much more than you would have guessed.

"Welcome to Coruscant." Rex said as he held out his hand to guide you off the ramp. For a moment you hesitated. Was this really happening? This was it? Where would you go from here?

You then took Rex's hand and you both walked down the ramp. "Welcome, Miss Y/L. I've heard much about you and your home planet. You are quite the brave one." An older man said as he approached you. "Y/N, this is Chancellor Palpatine." He said and you smiled as you bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." You said politely.

"And you as well my dear. Unfortunately Grand Master Yoda was unable to meet you here due to some unforseen circumstances, although he agreed to meet with you later on. Perhaps after you get settled in yourself and your younger sister may meet me in my office." He said and you smiled, "That sounds lovely. Thank you, Chancellor." You said and he smiled and nodded before saying goodbye and walking away with his guards.

Rex had turned to you as he'd been talking to another clone that wore red armor. "This way Miss Y/L." He joked and you smiled up at him as you followed him.

Rex showed you to your room where Delilah sat on one of the sofas. When she heard the door open she looked up and her expression shifted immediately to joy.

"Y/N!" She yelled as she ran over to you and hugged you. "Delilah. How are you?" You asked as you squatted to her level and hugged her. "I was so scared that you weren't going to come to Coruscant with me." She said as a tear fell and rolled down her cheek. You wiped it away with your thumb. "I'd never leave you for too long Del. I'm always going to be here for you." You said as you gently kissed her forehead. She hugged you tighter and you smiled.

Rex watched your interaction with Delilah, and he was lucky he kept his helmet on, otherwise you'd see the tears well up in his own eyes.

Later on Rex excused himself saying he needed to meet with his leading general. You and Delilah made it up to Chancellor Palpatine's office where you also saw Master Yoda.

"Ah! Miss Y/L. Your timing is impeccable, we were just talking about you." He said as he motioned to am unoccupied sofa in front of his desk. "Take a seat why don't you." He said and you smiled and nodded. Delilah clinged onto you while you walked with her to the seating area. "This is Delilah, my younger sister." You smiled as you looked down at her while introducing her.

"Quite the brave one she is. Heard much about you two I have." Master Yoda spoke up. "I hope you're both finding everything to your liking." Chancellor Palpatine spoke up and you nodded. "Very much so. Thank you, Chancellor."

"Now onto business, Master Yoda and I were discussing the role you may play in the Republic." Chancellor Palpatine explained. You kept your arm around Delilah as she cuddled up next to you.

"See what abilities you possess. Examined you will be." Yoda spoke up. "As long as you're alright with that of course." Chancellor Palpatine interjected. "Of course. I'm more than happy to help the Republic in any way that I can." You smiled.

"Fantastic, we're glad you've joined us, Miss Y/L." The Chancellor said gleefully. "But your abilities. I've heard you are uncertain about them. May you explain to us what they consist of?" He asked as he leaned forward and crossed his arms on his desk.

"Well, essentially I get visions. These visions can vary from what can happen in the future to even information on a subject. Such is the case on the Republic outpost that was filled with Scazzes. I had a vision of clones, but the droids were dressed in their armor. We found out later on that the Separatists had infiltrated and released the Scazz monsters aboard the station. Normally though, if I get a vision it's about the future. After my vision I can alter my plans according to what I've seen." You explained, both of the leaders listened intently.

"What do you think of this, Master Yoda? She sounds like she has some incredible force abilities." He said and Yoda shook his head. "Not of the Jedi this is. Used by the Nightsisters these abilities are." He said and you looked at them confused. "The Nightsisters?" You asked and Palpatine raised his eyebrows.

"The Nightsisters are a group that uses Magick to benefit them and only themselves." He explained and you shook your head. "I don't think I'm a Nightsister. I don't even know who they are." You explained and Yoda nodded. "Know you are not a Nightsister we do. Curious as to how you've obtained these abilities we are." He said and you bit the inside of your cheek anxiously.

"If I have these abilities surely Delilah does too right?" You asked as you looked down at her, but she was completely out as she used your side as her pillow while her arms were wrapped around you. "Too early to tell, it may be. DNA tests we may need to conduct." Yoda said and you nodded. "Whatever I can do to help. I'll do it." You said and the Chancellor nodded. "Quite curious this case is. But I know you'll be a great help to the Republic Y/N."

"I hope that I can aid the Republic in any way. For saving my home and my family."

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