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"We have prepared the results Miss Y/L." You heard the medical droid say as it approached you.

"In the retinal scan we found that none of your DNA is conclusive with your family." She said and you raised your eyebrows. How was this possible? Why didn't your mother tell you?

You cleared your throat and nodded, still dazed at the information. "Excuse me." You said as you stood up and left the room. You walked over to the nearest window as you wiped away tears that were falling from your eyes. "Y/N?" You heard Delilah's voice behind you. You quickly wiped away any remains of your devastation. You turned around with a smile on your lips. "Hey Del. What're you doing here?" You asked as you squatted down to her height to hug her.

"Rex said that they have candy after the doctor check-up. I was coming to get some, did you get some?" She asked and you raised your eyebrows. "I didn't know this. You should go ask the nurse droid in the room, I'll bet she has some." You said and Delilah's eyes widened as she smiled. "Okay! I'll get you some too." She said as she darted into the room.

You stood straight as you looked at Rex, he had his helmet off and was looking at you with a worried expression. "What's the matter?" He asked as he brought a hand to gently caress the side of your face.

"I um- well I found out that I'm not biologically related to my family." You said, you could feel the lump in your throat form up again. "What? You just found this out from the scan?" He asked and you nodded as more tears were threatening to fall. Rex hugged you tightly as your lip quivered and you let out a choked sob as he held you.

"No matter what, they're still your family and they love you all the same." Rex said as he soothingly rubbed your back. "It's going to be okay." He whispered as he kissed the top of your head.

You nodded as you pulled away and wiped your tears. Rex smiled down at you but you could tell he was still worried.

Later that night after Delilah had gone to bed you sat in your own room. Rex had been dispatched to a quick mission that only required him to pick up some supplies and return to Coruscant. So for the night you were left by yourself.

You pulled out your transmitter and typed in the code to your village. Your home.

Because advanced technology mainly existed in the city of your home planet, you knew you were going to be directed to the leader of the village.

"Ah Y/N! It's so good to see you again! How are you?" Leader Pawn asked. You smiled and nodded, "I'm doing well sir. I was wondering if I could speak with my mother?" You asked and he nodded. "Of course! I'll have someone fetch her." He said as he stood up and walked out of frame.

It only took about two minutes for your mother to appear in frame. A long two minutes might you add.

"Y/N! Are you doing alright? It's so good to finally talk to you again." She said as she smiled. You couldn't help but smile, it was your mom of course. "I'm doing fine mom. Delilah is great too, she's enjoying it here so far." You said and you mother smiled with a sigh of relief. She looked tired, as if she hadn't slept in days.

"Are you alone by chance?" You asked and your mother nodded, "Is everything okay?" She asked and you sighed, "Why didn't you tell me?" You suddenly asked, the question hurt but you had to know.

Your mother visibly froze for a moment as she thought of how to respond, she knew exactly what you were talking about. "I-I didn't want to trouble you with the thought. You're just as much my daughter as Delilah is. I've never thought of you differently." She explained and tears began to well up in your eyes as you looked down at the ground. "Do you know where I come from? Or who put me up for adoption?" You asked but your mother shook her head.

"Your father and I used to take trips to the city before we had you to sell our crops and buy more seeds. We found you as we were leaving the city on evening, you were alone and abandoned in an alley left on a crate. I don't know how long you'd been there but you were only a couple of months old at the time. I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner, although I'm worried that if you find out who your true relatives are that you may regret trying to pursue them. I just hope you'll forgive me over time." She said as she looked at the ground shamefully.

"I do forgive you mom. I just wish you would have told me. I have abilities I don't understand, and I have to figure out how to use them without the guidance of my biological relatives." You said, you were hurt and your mother felt it.

"You remember the necklace you've had since forever? The one Delilah helped make a wire casing for?" Your mother asked and you nodded. "I have it somewhere in my luggage, but I hardly wear it because of the straw string the lace part is made out of." You admitted.

"I don't know if this will have any connection, although, when we found you. The small crystal was swaddled along with you in your blanket. But I'm not sure why it would have been there." Your mother said and you nodded, "It may help. I'll have to look more into it though. Grand Master Yoda spoke of these people called the Nightsisters. I've never heard of them though." You explained and your mother raised an eyebrow.

"I do remember hearing about them before. All I know is that we had an issue with a few of them lingering in the city and would often commit petty theft. They were never caught but the fled off world just before we found you." She said and you and you bit your lip. This might be a lead.

"Thank you mom, for everything." You said and she smiled, "I love you, Y/N."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now