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Your anxiousness was built up, each passing night it was worse, and now you were having nightmares about Rex dying. He would have to wake you up and comfort you, you always felt terrible about it, but he told you not to worry as he had many nightmares about his brothers.

The following day, the whole valley was foggy. You could barely see within 5 feet in front of you. You had kept quiet about the vision you had from everyone. You didn't tell Delilah, you didn't tell Fives, you wouldn't even dare the thought of telling Rex.

Your hands were clammy most of the day, and as the sun set, you were practically clinging to Rex. "You should go get some rest, I'll be okay doing night watch by myself tonight." He said and you shook your head, "No! I mean- no, please. Rex, I can't let you." You said. You were stuttering, this vision was really getting to you.

You had to calm down, you knew not all visions came true, you just had to stay calm. You calmed your breathing after being in a near anxiety-attack-state all day. "Are you sure? I could have Fives help me watch." You shook your head once more. "I'm sorry Rex, but I must stay for night watch." You said and Rex nodded, a little sigh slipping past his lips and through the helmet's modulator.

You followed him to the hill, your fists always clenching and unclenching. Night was coming upon the planet fast, and you were so useless as to stop it.

"Y/N, you should really talk to me. Your anxiousness is really throwing me off." Rex admitted, you bit your lip at the thought. "Well-" You began, but you were both cut off by movement in the distance. "Did you see that?" You immediately snapped your attention to the fields. Rex wasted no time pulling out his thermal binoculars. "Patrol. They're coming this way." He said as he straightened his back in a crouched position. "We need to go alert the camp and evacuate them." You said and Rex nodded. You followed his lead back down to the camp.

"Fives, Jesse, I need you to keep an eye on the entrance of the valley. Report back when they've gotten too close." Rex said after explaining the situation to them.

"Get everyone evacuated. I'll start on the north side, you go to the south." He said and you nodded, as you were about to call off Rex called out for you. "Take this." He said tossing a small device to you. "Talk to me if something goes amiss." He said and you looked at him right where his eyes would be, through his visor. "Be careful, Rex. Please." You said and he tilted his head. "You too, Y/N." He said before turning and running off. You did the same but in the opposite direction.

"Delilah!" You called out for her. She looked up at you, previously playing with sticks and rocks. "Get your stuff, we're going. Everyone is going. Everyone needs to pack their things! It's time to go!" You said and Delilah jumped up, excited. "Are we going home?!" Delilah cheered and you shook your head. "No, we have to go further south." You said and Delilah's demeanor immediately changed. She slumped. "But why?" She asked sadly. "Delilah please, questions later. Right now, I need everyone to pack up. We have to go now." You said urgently. Lots of kids did as they were told, some still wanted to ask questions, but the older kids gathered them up to go help pack.

You made your way down the camp, making sure everyone was packing up. "Rex, are you still alive?" You asked, talking into the now lit up comlink. "I am, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. You breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, I am. I'm having everyone move further south. Do we have anyone to escort them?" You asked as you looked over at your younger sister who was zipping up her bag, yours was beside it as she had taken the liberty of gathering your things as well. "I'll send Hodgee, is everyone ready to go?" He asked urgently. "Yes, everyone is good to get moving." You informed.

"Well done. I need you to meet me back up towards the Northside of the camp." He said and you confirmed that you would be there within a few moments.
On your way to the north side of the camp, you saw the training grounds, and a blaster sitting idly on a weapon rack. It was only one blaster. You grabbed it, and a holster then continued your way towards Rex.

It was tough to find Rex at first, the fog was getting thicker by the minute. You however did find Rex thankfully within a matter of moments when you edged the north side. "Fives and Jesse reported in a moment ago, the Separatists could be-" He was cut off by immediate blaster fire. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pushed you onto the ground. You both crawled behind a boulder. "They're here." Rex said as he heaved. The fog would illuminate red with every shot, and now they were flashing blue, the clones were retaliating.

Rex then pulled down what you assumed as some sort of thermal scanner. "You stay here." Rex said and you grabbed his wrist. "Rex, let me come with you." You begged but he shook his head. "I will come back. Stay." He ordered as he ran off. You balled your fists, trying to focus, and keeping calm. Blaster fire kept erupting, screams of orders being called out, and screams of pain erupting. You got up and ran in the direction Rex did. You also found a rouge helmet on the ground, you looked to try to find the body of who it may belong to, which you found, slumped against a rock wall.

You ran up to the body. "Hey-" You began and you gently tapped his cheek. "Hey wake up." You said, but a blaster burn was scorched into his armor. You checked his exposed neck for a pulse. Nothing.

You checked again, thinking maybe you checked the wrong spot. Nothing. You gulped, he was dead. A dead clone right in front of you. A clone who's brothers would never forget him. But you didn't have any more time to remorse. You picked up the helmet again and put it on. It wasn't very easy to see in, nor was it as easy to breathe in.

But you were able to see through the fog now with a built-in scanner into the helmet. You could see the outlines. You saw a few outlines that were too thin and jagged to be clones. You then saw them aim at you, and you unholstered the blaster you found earlier and shot. The outline crashed to the ground, and you could hear like metal falling. It had been a droid.

You kept going forward, and not long after you found Rex. You took the helmet off. "Y/N?" He asked as he looked at you. "I told you to stay where you were." Rex said, now upset with you. "I couldn't let you go alone." You admitted. "Have you seen Fives or Jesse? I lost them." He said but you shook your head, deja vu filling your mind. "Fives! Jesse! This is Rex, report now. We're evacuating the campsite." He exclaimed into the comlink, but all was silent.

Rex turned to you after moments of complete silence. "I need you to go back to the campsite, make sure everyone gets to safety, I'm going to look for them." He said as he turned but you grabbed his arm. "Rex. I can't let you go alone." You said, he looked at you for a moment through his visor. "Let's go then." He said and you followed him. Not even a few minutes into your journey to find Jesse and Fives, the snap of a twig was heard. You looked over to see two bright red glowing eyes and you pointed your blaster at it and shot.

Rex stopped and looked at you, you both went up to investigate to see it was a droid, but not like the yellow ones. "An infiltrator droid. Nice shot. How did you-" He was about to ask before he heard groaning. You both sprinted in the direction of the groans to find Fives and Jesse, but Jesse had been hit. "He's alright, but we need to help him to the safe zone." Fives informed. Rex and Fives helped Jesse up while you kept an eye out. Thankfully the fog was clearing, although it was still dark, the moon illuminated the grounds enough for you to see.

The four of you continued to the safe zone after Rex checked in with Hodgee. The fog had completely cleared by the time you reached the safe zone with your allies.

You just hoped it wouldn't get worse.

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