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"I've found nothing." You sighed as you fell back on your bed frustrated. "Don't worry, we might be able to find something soon. You know, maybe we can talk to Master Jocasta and see if she'll let us use the library." Rex said as he stood up.

"Okay, we should still have a bit of time before Delilah gets out of school. What about your next mission? When are you going to be dispatched?" You asked as you sat up again. "Next month, maybe by then you can be dispatched with me." Rex said nudging you and winking you rolled your eyes while blushing, "As if. I'm not sure if your General would be too happy having practically an outsider on his squad." You reminded him and he shrugged.

"You never know. Plus, he wouldn't have to be the one keeping an eye on you because you know I'd already be volunteering for that job." Rex said and you smiled as your blush worsened. "Yeah yeah, alright come on you smooth talker, let's go speak with this Jocasta lady." You said hopping off your bed as Rex followed you.

You had to say, it was quite strange seeing him without his armor. He of course put it on quickly before you both left but you did like seeing him either way.

"Master Jocasta." You spoke up and the old woman turned around. "Hello there, and who might you be?" She asked as she squinted her eyes at you. "I'm Y/N Y/L. I'm new here." You smiled and she raised her eyebrows. "Ah, I've heard of you. I'm sorry but this library is permitted to the Jedi only." She said as she clasped her hands together. Your heart sunk at those words. Potential information and information on your ancestors were things you weren't permitted to see because you aren't a Jedi?

"The files she may see." You heard Yoda speak up from behind you. You jumped a little as you turned around. "Aid her in the selection of the files I will. Information on the Nightsisters she seeks." Yoda said and you raised your eyebrows in surprise. "How did you-" You began before Jocasta spoke up. "Grand Master Yoda, what a nice surprise. I trust your word, please go right ahead." She said as she smiled and you followed Yoda as he sat on a chair that hovered.

"Only books I may supply. Study them in your quarters you should. The place to study the Nightsisters the Jedi temple is not." He instructed and you nodded. "Thank you for your help, Master Yoda. This means a lot to be able to learn about my ancestors and how to control my ability in order to aid the Republic." You said earnestly. Yoda nodded as he then began to help you pick out information on the subject.

After you'd checked out all of the books you needed you walked outside of the temple to find Rex. "Whoa, that's a lot. Wait they only gave you books?" He asked as he grabbed a stack to lighten your load. "Master Yoda helped me find what I needed. If it weren't for him, Master Jocasta wouldn't have let me in because I wasn't a Jedi." You said and Rex shook his head. "That's a bunch of nonsense. But at least we got what we came looking for." He said as you both walked to the speeder nearby. "Although, I don't think I've actually touched a book before. Holotablets are so much easier to use instead of books." He said and you laughed, "In my village, books were the best source of entertainment." You said as you climbed in the speeder.

When you arrived back to your quarters you and Rex flipped through every book practically, and thankfully you both gathered some information. "So the Nightsisters live on Dathomir with the Zabraks- or Nightbrothers." You said and Rex nodded. "They derive their energy mainly through the Force but use Magick, or spells." Rex added. "But how do they conduct these spells?" You questioned as you scratched your head and flipped through a different book.

"Ah! It says here that they chant spells and can even use items to produce Magick." Rex said as he pointed to the paragraph he found in one of the books.

"Well that's no good to me, there's no way I can learn these spells." You sighed as you set down the book you'd been holding. "Well, if your force sensitive do you really need to learn spells to use it?" He asked and you shrugged. "I don't know, I hardly know of the force." You admitted and Rex sat and thought for a moment. "Well we could talk to General Skywalker, he's a Jedi." Rex said and you nodded, that's a great idea! Do you think I could talk to him now?" You asked and Rex shrugged, "I'll send in a transmission. He's not dispatched anywhere so he might be able to help." 

After your conversation with Rex, he went to fetch General Skywalker. You waited for them and while you did, Delilah came home from school. "Hey! Delilah. How was school?" You asked as you stood up. She chucked her belongings in the corner of the living room and stormed off to her room before locking the blast door behind her.

"Wha- Delilah! Hey!" You said trying to chase after her but it was no use by the time you were locked out of her room. "Hey, Del," you said softly as you knocked on her door. "What's going on?" You asked again. "I don't want to talk right now!" She screamed, you could hear her crying and your heart broke at the sound.

"Del, I'm here for you. I just want to help you. Can we please talk?" You asked and you heard a few distant sniffles before the blast door whooshed open. You knelt down and looked at her as her head hung low. "What's the matter?" You asked softly as you gently placed your hand on her shoulder.

"I-I'm being bullied at school! I wanna go home. I miss mommy and my friends and I miss Bandit too!" She exclaimed as she sobbed more. You hugged her tightly and she hugged you back. "I-I wanna go home Y/N." She sniffled and you nodded. "Okay, let's talk to mom tonight on the transmitter to arrange a shuttle for you to go home." You said but she shook her head. "But I want you home too!" She said and you sighed. You smiled sadly as you wiped a tear from her cheek. "I know Del, but my life is here. I have a lot of work to do now. I owe the Republic big time for helping out our planet you know. And right now they really need my help." You explained and Delilah looked down at the floor.

"But you know, you can always come here and visit me. And I might even stop in for a visit at home too. Like I said, I'll never be gone for too long." You reassured her and she nodded and hugged you again. "Okay." She said and you hugged her back tightly.

"We have guests coming over okay? So you can play games on the holotablet while we're here and later just you and me can go get some dinner." You said and Delilah smiled. "Okay! Can I get the holotablet now?" She asked and you nodded. She scurried over to it and then ran off in her room.

You had to admit, you really were going to miss her.

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