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"-And they invaded this morning?" He asked, his voice was strong, gruff, and his accent deep. "Y-Yes sir, I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, or what's going on." You said truthfully. It was difficult knowing any emotion from him, with his armor and helmet on. "I'm Captain Rex, apart of the 501st Legion in the Grand Army of the Republic." He said. You'd heard of the Republic before.

But your planet was neutral, that's what you were taught in school. "But sir- captain," you corrected yourself, calling him by his correct title. "-we're a neutral planet." You informed him and he nodded. "Regardless if it is, the Separatists will invade anyway. They will take over any planet they want, they will take anything they want without any mercy." He said and you let out a sad sigh.

"When will you be able to help us?" You asked and he was silent for a moment. "We haven't gotten confirmation to help your planet from the senate yet-" He said and you inhaled sharply. '-but, we've gotten approval from the Jedi Council. A small squad consisting of a part of my battalion and I will see to it that your group is safely defended from those droids your next rotation." He said and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in.

"Thank you, Captain." You said and he nodded. The transmission faded. You sat down against the tree and looked outwards onto the plains. You could see lots of lighting come from the far off distance. It must have been a base those Separatists set up.

Your head was beginning to hurt, but you knew what was coming. It always had, even when you were younger. You didn't understand what it was, and when you were younger you tried to push it off as coincidence. But now you were really beginning to think that what was happening to you, these visions you were getting, that perhaps it really was a way for you to tell the future.

Your headache began to grow stronger but you fought it. You had to focus on the present, you had to be in the moment. On the lookout.

Sometimes you could stop the visions if you fought them hard enough. But this time you weren't so sure if you would be able to fight it off. Your eyes turned completely black, this you wouldn't have known as you couldn't see the outside world when you had these visions. In fact, all of your senses drew a blank when it came to the outside world during a vision.

When you entered your vision there were battle droids, lying everywhere, and even some clone troopers. As you continued to walk, flame erupted from a few yards in front of you. It was a large fire, smoke was filling the air quickly. But you couldn't tell what it was that was on fire, or what was making it such a large fire.

Blaster fire sounded in the distance, screams were fading in. You felt the ruffle of your clothing shift. You looked down to see your outfit was now armor and weapons. When you looked back up everything faded, and slowly your vision into the real world appeared. You looked up to the two moons in the sky. They were now further down halfway.

You stood up, wiped your pants from grass and dirt, and walked back to camp.

You hoped that whatever happened in your vision, wouldn't come true.

*   *   *

You woke up to the distant sounds of children playing and shuffling from in front of you. It was Harper searching for something in her bag. "I'm glad you couldn't have done that any quieter." You remarked, but forgetting your humor may be offensive to others. This was shown when Harper shot you a glare. "I'm only kidding." You said after yawning and you stood up, and out of your makeshift sleeping bag.

She didn't say anything but continued to rummage through her luggage. You dared not to ask why she was doing that in the first place so you went on your way, and to the river nearby. You cupped your hands and then splashed the cold water on your face, giving you a cold, waking shock. You then cupped your hands again and brought the cold water to your lips and drank it.

You stood up finally and stretched. But when you did you heard gasps from the children, and then a rumble from the sky. You looked up to see a ship, with the symbol of the Republic. "They're here." You said. The ship landed in a field that was conveniently surrounded by trees. This field was as well not too far off from the campsite.

You made your way quickly to the ship but slowed your pace upon approach. The ramp to the ship opened and that's when you saw him.

It was strange. Captain Rex, leader of the 501st battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic, sort of looked exquisite. Or majestic? Either way, your thoughts were cut short as he descended down the ramp, his armor clanking together with every step. As you looked at him closer, you noticed tally marks on his helmet. "Miss Y/L." He finally spoke up, his voice a little clearer than omitting from the transmission. But his helmet's modulator made it still sound a little different. "Captain Rex." You said, a smile slightly growing on your face.

As Rex approached you, he looked down at you. You looked tired, but he could see the fire in your eyes. The fire to fight for your village, and to reclaim your home. He could see it. "Thank you for helping us. We can't express our outstanding gratitude for everyone who has come to help." You said. Rex admired your politeness.

In most cases, the people would ask where the Jedi were, or the big artillery. But he took note that you cared about the fact that you were even being helped, even if it wasn't much.

"Of course, miss. Hopefully, our supplies will last you until we can officially get reinforcements." He said and he watched as your tired, but hopeful smile glimmered again. "Thank you, Captain. Our little set up isn't fancy. Just an outdoor camp." You said as you led him towards your camp, past the lining of trees.

"We figured so," Rex began, feeling grateful he took an extra measure for this operation, "-so we brought tents, and cots with pillows and blankets for most the people here. However, most will have to share." He said and you smiled again, this time it was more lit up. "Wow you really didn't have to, but thank you, Captain." You said, finally approaching the fire pit, which was unlit at the moment due to it being day time. You looked over at Harper and Manny who were standing in awe. "Harper, Manny. This is Captain Rex, he is the captain of the 501st battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic." You said, repeating his title correctly.

Manny was the first to shake his hand. "Thank you, so much captain." He said and Rex nodded. Harper followed Manny per usual, shook Rex's hand, and thanked him.

Food and clean water were first brought out for the children. You were talking to other clone troopers, and getting to know them. Thankfully, you were able to ease in with them quickly. They were more light-hearted, and more themselves - seemingly, after getting to know you more.

Hopefully, everything would go smoothly.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now