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"How many are there Fives?" Rex asked as the four of you sat isolated in a storage room. "It's hard to tell, sir, but from what I can see at least six heat signatures are appearing on the thermal scanner." He said before putting down his holo tablet.

"Are they in a singular pack?" You asked and Fives nodded. "We're going to have to secure the docking bay if the plan is to get picked up. Even if it seemed clear when we got there it wouldn't hurt to make sure it's still safe." Rex said as he stood up. You, Fives, and Jesse also stood up before following Rex out of the storage.

"So how do you think these things even got here?" Jesse asked and Rex shrugged. "There's a lot that comes through this station. They may have left a crate here by accident, and our brothers may not have realized the things escaped. Anyhow, I don't think it's a good idea if we investigate. Our best option is to secure a spot and hold it for as long as possible." He explained.

"What about communications? They clearly weren't working earlier. How is the crew supposed to know we're alive when they come to get us?" You asked as the four of you arrived at the docking bay. "She does have a point, sir. They might not even want to step foot on this station knowing what's on here if we can't confirm our survival." Fives pointed out.

Rex crossed his arms, you knew he was thinking. "Alright then. We'll need to head back to the command center, and hope that we can at least make it there alive."

When you arrived to the command center you all stopped at the door. "Double check for lifeforms." Rex ordered as he stepped aside for Fives to scan the room.

"I'm picking up three heat signatures. I don't see any others though." He informed Rex. "What happened to the others?" He asked and Fives shrugged. "They may have managed to chew their way through the walls or even move through the vents." He said and Rex sighed. "Alright then. Jesse and I can get the systems back online if you and Y/N can keep guard. Jesse, your first priority is to get the lights on. Afterwards I'll need help bringing the comms back online." He said to which Jesse nodded, "Yes, sir." He replied.

"On three, we go in and blast them. Try not to shoot the windows so we don't get sucked out into space." He reminded Jesse and Fives. "Y/N I'm going to need you to watch our backs in case any more of those rats come after us from behind." He said and you nodded.

"Okay, ready men? One... Two... Three!" Rex shouted as he slammed his fist on the control panel to the blast door. The horrid sounds of the monsters screeching filled your ears the moment the door opened. You kept your eyes on the very dimly lit hallway behind the three clones while keeping one of the blasters Rex had given you trained on the end of the hallway.

When the blaster fire and cries of the hideous beasts silenced, Rex confirmed it was safe to enter the room. You took two steps backwards, still keeping your attention trained on the hallway before the blast door shut. You gave the weapon back to Rex before he and Jesse walked over to the control panel to get things working again.

After a few minutes of sitting in the dark (with the exception of Rex and Jesse using the lights on their helmets to see what they were doing) Jesse finally was able to get the rest of the lights working again.

"How is the work on the comms going?" Jesse asked after he'd walked over to Rex and knelt beside him. "It's going to be a little rough getting this put back together. Those giant rats chewed through a lot of this metal and wiring." He informed Jesse.

Jesse stood and walked over to the left side of the control panels. He flipped a few switches to open the transmitter log.

"Carrier 5513 is boarding. The crew seems out of the ordinary. More logs will continue."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now