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You managed to search a large amount of the battle field only to not find Rex. But knowing him, he was right at the front lines where you hadn't checked.

You made your way there, having to duck for cover a few times but making it there without having to fight.

"Rex!" You said and he turned his head to look at you. Rex felt relieved knowing you were okay, but also worried because you were now in the front lines.

He quickly made his way over to you while being cautious. "Is Jesse okay?" Rex asked and you nodded. "Are you okay? Where's Ahsoka?" He questioned and you shrugged, "I haven't seen her since we left the throne room." You said.

You were both interrupted by a Mandalorian running past your defense, he must have not realized you and Rex were there. Rex aimed his blaster and shot the man's jetpack, which launched him in the air and then it exploded.

On your side another Mandalorian followed. You grabbed your beskar spear that was hooked up on your back and whacked them in the legs where there was no armor, making them fall over before you turned the spear so the sharpened side faced down and you stabbed them in the back of the neck where only black cloth was visible.

You ducked back into cover and faced Rex. "You know-" He shouted over the blaster fire, "You're really hot when you fight!" He said and you scoffed, "I hardly think now is the time Rex!" You replied but he just shrugged as he tilted his head a little, his helmet covering his face. "I find it the perfect time!" He replied.

That's when more blue armored Mandalorians showed up as back up and began firing at the opposing side.

The tide began to change as the Mandalorians with red armor were being pushed back, and their numbers were decreasing.

Finally your forces over ran the other Mandalorians, and what was remaining of them surrendered. "Let's keep them in the cells until we locate Ahsoka Tano, then we'll let the people of Mandalore decide." Rex said and you nodded. You looked around at the destruction that this war had caused. You felt bad for what the people of Mandalore would have to come back to.

As you looked around, you noticed up on the support beams two people were up there. "Rex." You said as you tapped him, but didn't falter your gaze. You pointed up where the two were, it was Ahsoka and Maul.

"Get the gunships!" Rex exclaimed as he left the prisoners with other Mandalorians and clones. You chased after Rex and hopped on an LAAT. Both sets of gunships were quick to reach Ahsoka, you noticed she was holding Maul in the air with the force.

When Maul was captured you breathed a sigh of relief, you eventually helped Ahsoka onto the LAAT you were on and you both returned to the surface safely.

"Well done, Ahsoka." You said as you smiled at her. She smiled as she bashfully looked down at the ground.

You met up with Rex with Ahsoka by your side. "I need to discuss something with the both of you." She said suddenly. You looked at her curiously as she continued. "When I was with Maul, he spoke of Anakin. He told me that Anakin is being groomed for his power by Sidious." She said and you raised your eyebrows. "How is that possible?" You asked but she shook her head.

"I don't think it is. I believe his vision is flawed, and he was probably trying to infuriate me to join him." She explained.

"Join him?" You questioned and she nodded. "He wanted me to team up with him to defeat Sidious. Although, it would only lead him to take his master's place." She said and you nodded.

Bo Katan then walked up to your small group. "Maul is officially in custody." She informed the three of you. "Good, we'll have him transported back to Coruscant." Ahsoka said.

Both Ahsoka and Bo Katan walked away, leaving you and Rex. You looked at Rex with worry strewn across your face. "Do you think what he was saying was true?" You asked and Rex shook his head before taking off his helmet. He took another step forward to be closer to you. "You don't need to worry darling. Sith like that only tell lies to get under our skin. And now we have him, and he'll be held captive for the rest of his life." Rex said as he gently put his hand on your shoulder.

You sighed a breath of relief and you nodded. You then hugged Rex and closed your eyes as he held you.

Hours later, Maul was brought to a transport ship in a large beskar casing with a Mandalorian design on the front.

"How fitting." You mumbled to Rex as you both stood on the transport. Bo Katan and Ahsoka were saying their goodbyes before Ahsoka boarded.

"We're either of you ever able to get in touch with Anakin?" You quietly asked Rex but he simply shook his head. "The last I heard he went to inform the Chancellor that Grievous had been found on Utapau." He explained and you raised your eyebrows. "Kenobi supposedly engaged Grievous there." He then said and you folded your arms as you looked to the ground in thought. "Then the war could be over soon." You said and Rex simply nodded.

The ship was off in no time as it made its way to the Venator. You, Rex, and Ahsoka spoke to each other as you made your way to the Republic's ship.

You couldn't help but feel a hole being burned in the back of your skull as you felt like you were being watched. And you knew exactly who was watching you.


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