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"I think this is a terrible idea." You said as you sighed, "We don't even know where Maul is and then deciding we should walk up to a whole battalion of clones- in what way would this even work?" You said as you motioned wildly with your hands.

"Listen, I think... I think it just might. But you have to trust me, okay? We just need to wait for those droids to pull us out of lightspeed and then we can move. They'll know that escape is our plan regardless. And there's only one way off of this ship." Rex said and you sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose with your fingers. "Okay... alright."

Sirens began to blare, you snapped your eyes open and looked at Rex. "It's time to go. Get a ship prepped for us, if Maul is alive-" Rex began but you interjected, "He is alive. I know he is." You said and Rex sighed, "Well he'll make the perfect distraction then." Rex said.

The three of you began to move, but something was wrong as the ship shook violently. Ahsoka then put her comlink up to her ear as she'd set the volume at the lowest setting.

"One of the droids said we exited hyper space right next to a planet, something went wrong with the engines. We're on a time limit now before the Venator hits the surface." She informed you and Rex. "Oh boy." You groaned.

"Stick to the plan, we'll have enough time to make it off. Y/N, this is where we split up." Rex said as he stopped and turned to look at you. "You've got this." He said and you smiled as you looked up at him. You nodded before departing in a different direction to the hangar.

Once you got to the hangar you found an unoccupied shuttle. You slowly made your way there, careful to not get spotted.

You saw Rex and Ahsoka carrying out their part of the plan while you snuck over to the shuttle to prepare it for take off.

As you approached the shuttle you felt an unsettling presence. One you'd recognized before.

"You won't make it."

You turned around to see Maul standing there idly. "And you think you will?" You asked as you raised your fists, preparing for a fight.

"Together, we can escape this new order. I know who you are, I know your origin. I've had the time to study you and my findings were accurate to my theories." Maul said as he took a step closer.

"You and I are one in the same. We are nothing more than outcasts looking for our place in this galaxy. Together we can be strong, we can defeat those who stand in our way." He said as he raised his hand and balled it into a fist.

"You seek nothing but destruction. I won't follow a path of misery." You shot back and he scoffed. "You aren't understanding. Together we can survive. We can thrive in this turmoil of a galaxy and carve our own paths." He said as he held out his hand. "I've seen what you've been through, the child of Dathomir left behind by her parents. The child lost the only father she knows and now is separated from her family after days of war on her planet she calls home. All you've experienced is suffering, but now you have a chance. A chance to have a different life where you can strengthen your abilities. I can teach you!"

You lowered your fists, what if he was right? Why would you go through all of this just for it to come for an end, for you to run away?

But then you thought of Rex.

Rex was the one to keep you steady, to keep you level headed when sometimes all you wanted to do was fight.

You looked up again, "I will not be lead by someone who only thinks of power." You said as you clenched your fists tightly. Maul snarled and lunged at you.

His punches were merciless, some you were able to avoid, others not as easily.

Maul then swung around and you saw his metal foot flying towards your face. You had no time to move, no time to avoid this attack as it approached your head.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now