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It was a fairly dreary and rainy day. Because of this, most everyone stayed in their tents or under some sort of shelter. This being said, you were quietly reading a book in the cot you slept in while Rex scrolled on his holopad while he laid on his cot. "When do you trade out for guard?" You asked, not tearing your gaze from the book you were reading.

"Not until tonight. Hopefully, the rain will stop by then." He said, his voice unmodulated because his helmet was set on the end of his cot rather than on his head. "I was thinking of taking Jesse's shift tonight. I don't think the cold will be good for him especially since he's recovering." You said and he looked at you, of which you noticed out of the corner of your eye. He cleared his throat and went back to looking at his holopad.

"I don't think the cold would be much good for you either. We have armor which regulates our temperatures." He said and you shrugged. "I have clothes that help me do that. Hence me going to wear a few layers tonight for guard duty." You said and Rex chuckled while shaking his head. "Such a smart ass sometimes." He said and you shrugged. "It's more of a package deal really." You said, making Rex laugh again.

But unfortunately, both of you were interrupted when a soaking clone trooper was calling out for Rex and entered the tent. "Sir, master Yoda has contacted us." He said and Rex immediately got up and put on his helmet and boots. "Y/N. I need you to come with me." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows "Why me?" You asked curiously.

"Because you'll be another civilian to represent your homeworld. Not to mention you may want to talk to master Yoda about your... ability."

Your mouth could only form an 'o' in response. So you followed suit. You had grabbed a heavy jacket and followed Rex to a much larger tent. In the center, it had a holo table. You saw a small, pointed eared master Jedi who turned upon your arrival. You bowed, as a sign of respect. "Master Yoda, a pleasure to finally speak with you." You said before continuing, "I am Y/N Y/L. I'm a civilian of this planet, a simple townsperson. We are most grateful that you have offered your support. Unfortunately, the separatist invasion is too much for all of us. We are asking for any available support if you could offer it." You begged to which Yoda stood idly for a moment as if he were thinking.

"Send reinforcements I can. Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th, help they will. Only under such emergency matters requires emergency action, it does." He said with a smile at the end. You grinned widely. "We appreciate it more than you know. I'm sure soon after this invasion is over, our leaders will wisely choose to join the Republic." You said to which Master Yoda hummed and nodded in agreement.

You became nervous, knowing full well Rex wanted you to talk about the other thing.

"Another reason, for you joining us today, I sense." Yoda stated and you looked up at him. How did he know? "Well, uh.." You began, unsure of how to even start. "Master Yoda, ever since a very young age I've had visions. Visions of the future." You said. Yoda looked at you curiously, "These visions, come true, do they?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Almost always. I almost always have the ability to change the outcome of these visions." You explained. Yoda stood in thought for a moment.

"Talk later on this we will, when you arrive at Coruscant." He said before the transmission ended.

Wait, had you heard that correctly? You, a simple girl from a small village, going to a planet with over 1 trillion beings currently living there. You turned to Rex, stunned. You were so uncertain of what to say. What could you say? You walked back to the tent along with Rex, in silence.

The rain continued to pour down, it being similar to your thoughts that were continuing to run wild.

"Are you going to go?" Rex finally spoke up after nearly 30 minutes.  You turned to him, "Do I have a choice?" You questioned. Rex took off his helmet, setting it down next to him, "Of course you have a choice. What makes you think otherwise?" He questioned.

You sat up straighter. "A Jedi, on the Jedi Council asked me to come to Coruscant." You said and you looked up into his eyes, "How could one refuse?"

The next day, you were training hard. You wanted to be in the best shape you could be in, that being physically, mentally, and even maxing out your skills. You couldn't concentrate on anything but the thought of going to Coruscant. Of course, leaving your home was what you wanted. Starting a life of your own is what you wanted.

But so far away? To a highly advanced planet. You hadn't even left your own homeworld, would you survive even staying at a new one? How long would you stay? What were- your thoughts suddenly cut short by the shout of your name.

"Y/N! Breathe." Rex calmly reminded you. You looked at him and then exhaled a breath you didn't know you'd been holding in. "You really do need to take a break. You've been going at this for hours." He said, but you shook your head. "I can't, Rex. I can't do much else but this. How am I supposed to show up with little to no combat skills?" You said and Rex took off his helmet. "Y/N, no one is expecting you to be perfect. I mean, if anything your determination will show through more than what you've already been trained to do. Focus on the present, your town still needs your help. First task at hand." He said as he gave you a small smile.

You let out a sigh, "Okay. First task at hand."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now